Did you know that you do not need to keep fighting the same negative thoughts, feelings, pictures, or memories?

What woman has not struggled with fear, doubt, insecurity, or anger? Who has not been wounded or broken by this fallen world?

For many Christian women, the issues that affect their success, significance, and legacy are intertwined with their religious beliefs and personal journey of faith. Christian Life Coaching is an excellent option for those who wish to work through their relationship challenges in a Christian context.

Now is your time to experience the fullness of freedom God has for you. The primary focal point of Christian Life Coaching is on future performance and outcomes.

Remember that what God says about you is the truth regardless of your past feelings or messages!


Every woman struggles to be in touch with the present moment at some point in life!

Think about it...

What woman does not want to free themselves from the guilt of constantly being distracted when they know they can achieve so much more?
What woman does not want to have access to information that helps them lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life? 
What woman does not want to move on from their past and start cherishing the present moment?
What woman does not want to discover the secret formula to feel less overwhelmed when striving for a brighter future?
What woman does not want to get rid of all the pain, disappointments, missed opportunities, and broken relationships simply because they fail to live in the NOW?





 Women know they need to live in the present.


Sadly, most of them have no idea HOW to do it... 


They are constantly feeling stressed out, bogged down by their past, frustrated with their mundane life... hoping that one day everything would change and they could lead a happier life.


Unfortunately, most women are still feeling stuck in their own mind, their job, their past, their lack of control, and endless distractions... especially in the 21st century after social media took over!


Work with a Christian Life Coach to Access All The Tools You Need To Build A More Successful, Happier, and Healthier Now and Tomorrow


Readjust.  Reset.  Restart.





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My Story


For a significant period of my life, I found myself trapped in my thoughts, shackled by beliefs that undermined my potential and future. Anxiety, depression, and a pervasive sense of perfectionism were formidable adversaries that hindered my progress. Yes, I persevered. But I yearned for fulfillment beyond the roles I juggled. The weight of the past, comprising pain and doubt, constantly loomed over me, and I struggled to find solace on the safe path I had chosen.


Perfectionism, for me, was not just about having high standards or striving for excellence. It was an unrelenting need to meet impossible standards and a fear of failure that could be paralyzing. Despite my efforts to be a dedicated daughter, a supportive wife, a diligent healthcare provider, and a reliable friend, I could not shake off the feeling of exhaustion that overshadowed my daily life. As I longed for something more meaningful, I grappled with the question of what could surpass the significance of these responsibilities. I also questioned how to incorporate another commitment into my already demanding life.


It took me decades to develop a Truth Mindset and realize and believe that the dreams God had planted in me since childhood were meant to bring me joy, benefit others, and glorify Him. It was a journey of self-discovery. I had to let go of the 'shoulds' that bound me and release the fears that kept me from growing. I slowly tread that challenging path alone. Now, I help other women run after God's beautiful plan for their lives and free them to be fully themselves. 


Each of us has faced unique challenges and struggles, shaping us into the women we are today. While our experiences might differ, we have all encountered adversity, disappointment, and rejection. I aim to assist you in uncovering the valuable lessons within these hardships, guiding you to recognize your life's purpose and explore your deepest passions. Together, we can navigate these challenges and embrace personal growth and fulfillment opportunities. Colossians 1:10 KJV says, "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God."


Through Jesus Christ, believers have gained access to God's grace. This access is not based on our own merits (perfectionism) but received by faith. It allows us to stand in a position of favor before God. My mission is to kindle a flame of hope in the hearts of women, illuminating the truth: they are called, equipped, precious, unique, and most importantly, seen and loved. I am here to equip women to pursue God's beautiful plan for their lives and liberate them to express their true selves.


Do you believe that the dreams, aspirations, and desires sown within your heart and mind are intended to bring you fulfillment, happiness, and a sense of purpose and positively influence the lives of those around you?


Do you believe these dreams are intended to serve as reflections of and tributes to your spiritual beliefs, ultimately bringing glory to God?


I am deeply committed to guiding you along your journey toward success. Making a significant impact and leaving a true legacy is important to me. I would be honored to be a part of your process. I am eager to provide guidance and support and walk alongside you every step, ensuring you have the tools and encouragement to reach your goals and create a significant and lasting mark on the world.


I am in the life changing business. - Coach Sandra

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Sandra Krug

Board Certified Coach

(by Center for Credentialing and Education)

Sandra Krug is a Christian, Nurse, Transformational Life Coach. She is an author, speaker, and Mentor-Coach devoted to facilitating ladies to feel stronger, more satisfied, and more productive in their lives. Her mission centers around establishing a Truth Mindset for the ladies she works with as they align their lives with Jesus. Sandra finds joy in assisting ladies in unlocking their God-given potential. She works with ladies, expediting their transformation and working with the Holy Spirit in their own lives.

Coach Sandra is a Certified Master Christian Life Coach, earned from the International Christian Coaching Institute, with certified specializations in the Transformed Living coaching model and the Spiritual Transformation and Discipleship coaching niche. She is a certified and licensed Ziglar Coach. She is a Certified DISC Profile Analyst (CDPA) and certified as a Human Behavior Consultant in association with Personality Insights, Inc. She is a certified Mental Health First Aid instructor. She is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with a Master degree in Nurse Anesthesiology from the University of Kansas, a Bachelor of Nursing from William Carey College, an Advanced Diploma of Biblical Studies from the International School of Ministry, and a Master of Ministry from Christian Leadership University.

She has the experience and knowledge to grasp and communicate concepts around personal development and spiritual growth.

Sandra's Christian values are fundamental to her coaching. She resides in Florida with her husband and their ranch of rescued animals.

Here are the reasons you can depend on Coach Sandra to help you begin a transformation from in pain to empowered:


Life Coach for Ladies wants you to be delighted with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE - All of our curricula can be customized to address your individual and organizational needs specifically.
  • EXPERIENCED- Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long-term clients who put their trust in us year after year.
  • INTEGRITY - Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We do not believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.
  • REPUTABLE -Sandra Krug has been a respected leader in her field and community.
  • RESOURCESWe offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.


What to Expect From a Christian Life Coach


There are many different life coaching styles and just as many opinions as to which is best.  Here is what to expect from a Life Coach for Ladies coaching relationship:

  • Accountability: help you reach your goals by checking in regularly.
  • Advisor: offer advice to help you grow.
  • Assertive: direct when needed.
  • Guide: help you get and stay on track.
  • Helper: assist you with challenging assignments.
  • Motivator: inspire you to move forward.
  • Partner: help you reach the desired goal.
  • Resources: provide resources and connections to ensure your success.
  • Strategies: help you map out a plan to reach your goals.
  • Support: provide support in difficult times.
  • Training: teach you skills, strategies, and techniques to address concerns.
  • Vision: help you envision your desired outcome.

Success, significance, and legacy involve living life in choice, with self-motivated action. Christian Life Coaching is a process that assists in bringing into balance different domains of our lives - mental, spiritual, physical, family, financial, personal, and career.



  •  Why getting rid of a bad habit is not enough
  •  The eight things in life every woman wants
  •  How to increase your performance every time and get results
  •  Why becoming the right person determines your success potential
  •  Which bad habits sabotage your life, and how to replace them
  •  And so much more ...

Christian Life Coaching helps you align body, soul, and spirit to experience ‘Life by Design’ vs. ‘Life by Circumstance’ with healthy self-image and goal setting as the cornerstones.


Embark on a transformative journey with the legendary Ziglar See You at the Top Coaching

You will discover:

  • A way to get answers to questions you previously thought were unanswerable
  • Simple, easy-to-make changes that help you feel better about your life - every day
  • How to shield yourself from the negativism that surrounds us all
  • Seven steps you can take to get the most out of life
  • The harvest you reap by accepting yourself - reduced tension, better communication, and improved relationships
  • How to put your subconscious to work to get more of what you want, including improved health and greater success
  • And much, much more!

"I do my best to continue my personal development because I have seen how much it has improved my life and the lives of women around me. When I am coaching, teaching, or presenting, it comes from both my depth of academic knowledge and my own personal transformation, which is a never-ending process that continues to this day." - Coach Sandra

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Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

The 5 Best Ways to Rewrite Your Relationship with Yourself
- Written by Sandra Krug

This eBook is one of Sandra Krug's most popular publications available 
as a free download.

  • Recognize your emotions and feelings
  • Develop self-compassion 
  • Understand effective coping techniques
  • Find your passion 
  • Set your goals

What Ladies Are Saying*:

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Sally A.

"I believe that Coach Sandra brings a lot of knowledge to the table. She is very thorough and tends to go the extra step. I think she finds things most would miss. She is a great Life Coach to help ladies transform their lives! I always enjoy working with her. I wish I had looked for a Life Coach earlier in my life.  I feel she is considerate, spiritual, motivating, and uplifting. She is open-minded but not afraid to speak up if she feels differently. Coach Sandra explains things so others understand."


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Gloria J.

"Coach Sandra is a "rare jewel" to have as a Life Coach. She is a highly skilled confidant.

I believe Coach Sandra is a real asset to have in my life. She has extensive experience and brings all of her valuable knowledge and understanding to you.

She is extremely motivated in her coaching. She gently pushes women to find their passion, as well as achieve their goals. I strongly recommend Coach Sandra to be part of your transformational trek!"

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Gracie B.

"Coach Sandra can zone-in on the needs of women. Her core value is her conscience; her every move arrives from her thought process. Her wheels are always turning. Coach Sandra's work ethic increased my work ethic. She is very thorough. Coach Sandra's personality is friendly, honest, kind, caring, very giving, and very direct. Sandra's strength is that she can give direction calmly, concisely, and without ridicule. Every day I learn from Coach Sandra. She is an encyclopedia of information."


*Note: Life Coaching results will vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

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Catch up with all the latest news and information from Coach Sandra.

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This Is the Easy Way to Plan Life Goals

 Changing Your Thinking

So why is this change in thinking so important? The answer is that focusing too much on a distant goal will make you too detached from what it is you’re trying to accomplish. For instance, if your only ‘goal’ is to become a novelist, you lack any real structure...


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No Being Burned Out When You Make Work/Life Balance

I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’

This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself.

Keeping yourself motivated is an inside job. You might do an excellent job of creating the...


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Reward Accomplishments When You Conquer Your Challenge

Life becomes more worth living when you know that a reward is bound to come your way for every good thing you did.

By this time, you already know that stopping your addictions is possible only if you will put your heart and mind into it. The last but not the least...



Proverbs 31:25 "Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.


All The Keys You Need To...Renew! 

As a transformation life coach, I can help my clients choose to stop submitting to a life of mediocrity and unfulfillment and instead discover that their life has a greater purpose.

I can help them embrace that they are the hero of their own journey. They no longer have to see their pain or challenges as obstacles that are holding them back but instead see them as stepping stones to a greater purpose.

Through transformation life coaching, I can empower women to stop allowing others to write the chapters of their life stories and decide, once and for all, to live life on their terms.

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Vision Statement

Life Coach for Ladies is a Christian faith-based Life Coaching business dedicated to serving women with compassion and competence. We utilize biblical principles to assist them in setting individualized goals through a collaborative partnership that addresses body, spirit, and soul. We make disciples who love God, walk in freedom, and build life-giving relationships in all areas of life.

The vision is to see all daughters of God discipled, equipped, healed, saved, and set free… forever transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and holding dear to Him as their source of all strength and honor.

We strive to build long-term relationships with our clients, and this level of connection is imperative to the services we provide through Christian Coaching, Mentoring, Teaching, and Discipleship.

"Beyond just believing in Him, I believe God has called us all to serve His people in a specific way. Christian Life Coaching is one of my ways!" - Coach Sandra


We thank our Lord and Savior for the honor and privilege of serving Him!

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