How to Make Powerful Goals You Can Achieve

We use goals to evaluate how well we are doing now relative to where we want to be. Sometimes big goals do not motivate women. They tend to feel so outside their realm of possibility that it feels pointless even to try. And, poorly defined goals can lead to weak intentions to accomplish the goal and consequent procrastination.


Make goals that feel genuinely possible for you within a concise time frame. Realistic goals at the forefront of your consciousness, tap into your creativity more productively. You can see and feel the possibility of achieving those goals. You believe that they are doable.


Use this simple three-step approach to establish practical goals you can reach. You will not encounter a lot of failures because you can constantly adjust your timeline and goals as you learn. The key is to give each goal a lot of consideration, study, and think before setting it.


  1. Maintain Your Values


The more goals fit into one of four primary...

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Content is a Love Letter

If you have a business, you realize how valuable content is to your success. Content is a different word for information. It is vital to build authority with your clients, followers, or people to find out who you are. Creating content is a means to convey your business model, show your audience why they ought to listen to you, and make sales.


It is like a love letter.


Excellent content is like a love letter in that it comes from a place so unique that the reader perceives how genuine it is. They read the authority, personal touches, and openness between the lines. Content written from the heart is compelling and goes beyond good or great content.


Let’s take a look at the progression of content value:

  • Good content is informative. Sharing facts, tips, steps, and how-to information is good. People appreciate solid, good content.
  • Great content is engaging. Better content takes a step up from sharing facts to asking questions and asking for engagement....
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Communication Skills To Keep Fresh On The Mind

The word communication is general in its implication. Communication could take on many roles, depending on its use and context. It also has many formats as a delivery mechanism. You can listen to music, read a book, or watch videos. Discussions are also a form of communication.

Because of the general characteristics of communication, it is not easy to imagine formulating it into a skill. But, it is possible. Numerous colleges offer majors in communications, which raises the field. It is not necessary to study at a four-year college to enhance your communication skills. It requires a basic understanding and practice.

The greatest skill you can develop to communicate well is to listen. Not all people are natural listeners. Many times, during conversations, people are not focused. So, we may have to put effort into becoming better listeners.

To improve your ability to listen to others, repeat everything they say the next time you speak with someone. That may be a little odd to them at...

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Transparency Or Intimacy: You Need To Know The Difference

No fooling, being vulnerable has value. Author Brené Brown has proven that vulnerability can transform relationships, including those between customers and business owners. Being transparent is the new customer service, but do not confuse transparency for intimacy. There is a line between being vulnerable and oversharing.


Transparency should feel like a warm hug that lets others know you understand, you have been there. You may even be there at the current moment. Transparency should not feel icky, awkward, and uncomfortable. Some things are or the therapist’s couch, not your content.


Do Not Confuse Transparency for Intimacy


When creating compelling content, it is crucial to know the line between transparency and intimacy. Here are a few do’s and don’ts that will help you create compelling content that does not undermine your authority or make people feel weird.


Do: Do share authentic stories and current topics that are...

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Make a Tribe of Delighted People

One of the most critical skills a marketer must have is creating a tribe that knows, likes and trust them. Being able to rally people who have a common need, common goal, or shared interest builds a network of people who want to buy.

As your business grows, you have the opportunity and the duty to engage and deliver. Not only your goods and services but access to you as the leader and producer of the goods and services you provide.


Building a Tribe of People Who Know, Like, and Trust You


In most cases, people buy from people they know and trust. Much of sales are referrals and personal connections. People like to do business with the people they like. Unless your agency is so big, it doesn’t rely on advertising or marketing. It would be best if you made items feel personal to outshine the marketplace.


Here are the critical aspects of building a tribe that knows, likes, and trusts you:

  • Be valuable
  • Be credible
  • Be generous
  • Be accessible
  • Be genuine
  • Be...
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6 Ways To Make Your Following Happy

Creating a tribe takes time. It’s a lot like farming. You plant seeds, then water and fertilize them. They sprout, and with loving care, grow into healthy plants with root systems.


Your content is like seeds, water, and fertilizer. Compelling content raises great followers who are eager each time you offer them something new to consume.


Like farming, growing a loyal following is part tried-and-true practices and part artful experience with the unique soil you grow in. It takes a balance of trade secrets and personal experiences to raise a loyal following.


Here are some great tips for growing a loyal following:


Give things away- In a world where everyone is selling, give something away. Comedian Michael Jr. gave a Ted talk where he shared the value of giving a laugh rather than getting a laugh.

Getting a laugh focuses on getting something from the audience, whereas giving them a laugh focuses on giving something to the audience. When his intention...

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Simple Ways to Talk to the Strangers Who Matter


Our whole childhoods we were told to never speak to strangers. Then as we grow up, we discover that we need to do just that, again and again. A few strangers are easier to talk to than others, like a shop clerk or server in a restaurant.

Others are often more complicated, like strangers you meet in social situations or business meetings. These are strangers who have the potential to be future friends, coworkers, bosses, and clients. These are strangers who matter to you. To some women, meeting these types of strangers can be very daunting.


How do women get past the initial trepidation and talk to strangers?

  • Dive in the Deep-End

When you always have someone to fall back on, you will never truly take the plunge. Go to new places alone, so you are not tempted to stick with who you already know.

  • Make the First Move

If you are going to wait around expecting to get noticed, you may possibly have a very long wait. Be courageous! Start a discussion! Get up and join the fun...

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Make Content To Be Actually Compelling People

There is nothing worse than feeling alone when you are facing tough stuff. Isolation and alienation bring on shame and suffering that can lead to depression and hopelessness. In the modern age, people turn to Google to see if anyone out there has a solution.


Be that Person Who You Needed When You Looked for Compelling Content


If you suffered a severe setback pre-Google era, you might have weathered the storm enough to know that you do get through to the other side, but boy was it hard! What you would not give to have had someone there to guide you when you needed them most.


Thankfully, many bloggers, communities, non-profits, and organizations exist simply because they had an issue, saw a need, and filled it. In essence, they became the person they needed when they were in crisis.


You can do this too.


Creating content that compels people comes from a place of having been there too. Being able to go back in time to the feelings, thoughts,...

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The Value of Saying the Same Thing Many Ways

People learn and take in information in numerous ways. While some people love reading, others would rather listen. Some enjoy seeing things via illustrations, while others want a personal experience to feel something before they truly understand them.


The classic four learning styles are:

  • Audio
  • Kinesthetic
  • Verbal
  • Visual


Generating compelling content works best when you find a way to say the same thing in many ways, appealing to each learning style. Sending a message through various channels makes it easier to reach all types of learners and easier to put out additional content with less effort.


An advertising rule called the Seven Times Factor describes how viewers need to see an ad seven times before truly observing it. People need to observe a message more than seven times to remember it. This means you need to adopt the value of saying the same thing in several approaches.


You can use the same compelling content again and again.

You may well feel...

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You Need to Make Professional Boundaries

Marketing is the meat and potatoes of sales. It is the springboard for sales conversations and engaging your audience. Building a tribe that wants to buy from you is a beautiful thing, but there are times when having an eager tribe can be a bit overwhelming.

As the age-old saying goes, if you are not careful, your tribe can have you stepping and fetching. One critical skill set that marketers need is setting healthy boundaries that protect your worth and value.


Setting Boundaries That Protect Your Worth and Value


If you are new to the business, it can seem rewarding and a bit exciting to have customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders in your company wanting to connect. You might love engaging people and connecting one on one.

Your sales might require essential conversations, and customer service is always top of mind. As things grow, some snares can cause some problems in sales and deal with customers and clients.


Consider this:

Some people always want to...

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