You Need to Know Good vs. Bad Dependence

personal development Mar 23, 2021

One of the most challenging aspects of independence is that many people today fear it. They fear to be in control of their own life because that means that you cannot place blame - for anything - on anyone but yourself: scary prospect, that.

But society today has a confused outlook on what independence truly is. Freedom is not about you hardening yourself, suppressing who you are, and never letting anyone help you. Surprised?


Dependence and independence are pretty misunderstood.

  • Independent does not mean you are narcissistic and anti-social, overly-driven and aggressive.
  • Dependence does not mean you are weak, spineless, or cannot do anything for yourself.


First of all, society hints that depending on anyone is a sign of weakness. Anytime you get involved with another, and you begin to feel as if you can rely on them (a significant definition of dependence), others may make you feel as if you are doing something wrong.


This is not the case. But if you listen to...

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5 Easy Ways of Becoming More Independent, Less Codependent

personal development Mar 16, 2021

Relying on others to shape who we are is the basis of codependence. It is, in effect, creating our feelings and behaviors around something external, rather than figuring out for ourselves what our feelings and behaviors should be and how they should look.


“Independence is happiness.” Susan B. Anthony


Autonomy, or true independence, is the ability to make decisions based on what you have learned about the world, your experiences, perceptions, and feelings, and how you interact with the world. Independence is empowering. Codependence is stifling.

Here are five practical ways to become less codependent and grow your valuable independence:

  1.  Get to know who you are inside.

There are so many approaches to do this. One is to begin journaling your thoughts and feelings about your daily activities. Then ask yourself, “Is that the truth?” and “Is that how I feel about it?” Many times, upon reflection, we find that we have simply...

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6 Benefits When You Become More Independent

personal development Mar 09, 2021

As our usage of technology and the internet become more prevalent, women find ourselves as a society relying more and more on it and less and less on ourselves. But technology cannot solve all problems. It is not always available, nor do we usually want it to be. There are simply parts of the human mind, body, and soul irreplaceable - by technology or anything else!


The more technology runs our world, being independent becomes both more accessible and more complex. By learning to become more personally independent, you increase your chances of success in all areas of your life. Independent refers to all aspects of your life, including career, emotional, financial, personal faith, and beliefs. Self-reliance is a skill set that comes easier to some women than others, but it is a skill that everyone can benefit from all the time.


Here are six areas of your life that are sure to become stronger once you learn to stand on your own two feet:


  1. Self-Esteem


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4 Quick Tips to Stand on Your Own Two Feet, Girl

personal development Mar 02, 2021

Can you stand on your own two feet? Are you the independent type, or do you rely on others for your answers, care, and decisions? If you are looking to improve your independence, you are in luck! It is never too late to increase your independence, and doing so will significantly increase your freedom to enjoy your life with no limits!


Indeed, we are often the person who holds us back the most. And if you think that is true - what areas are you holding yourself back from achieving more success? Is it your health, finances, business, or relationships? It is probably more than one of these. So here are four areas of your life where you can create more independence and begin thinking for yourself:


  1.  Health

I think everyone can agree that you cannot make gains in any other areas of your life without your health. To be independently healthy, you need to exercise good habits in your life, such as eating quality foods, getting the proper nutrition, and staying active....

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When You Are Successful Boost Your Self-Esteem

personal development Jan 05, 2021

Recognizing your success boosts self-esteem. But it also helps you realize more about yourself and your strengths. Every woman excels in at least one area (often more than one). Acknowledging even small successes can help you realize where your best skills lie and do activities that empower you to take advantage of these skills.


When you do something well, you sense accomplishment, confidence, and pride surge in you because you could achieve something that helped yourself or others. In many cases, you were the best individual for the task and were more skilled to achieve it than others. So, people look to you to complete the job and accomplish the feat so quickly and easily. 


During the times you are having difficulty or are struggling with challenges, it is essential to look back to your successes and realize that you can do great things and succeed at what you are currently doing. Now and again, life throws us a curveball. This makes us uncomfortable and causes...

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Make YOU Successful in the New Year

personal development Dec 29, 2020

As we start to wind down on the year 2020, let's begin to plan for 2021. The new year holds promise for much growth. Start to plan goals so that you will be successful.


“Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.” George Sheehan


The definition of "successful" is different for every woman. Essentially, it is about who you are and who you are becoming. Success involves living up to your potential and achieving your dreams. Your success is what will bring you a life of contentment, pride, and enthusiasm in your accomplishments.


Too often than not, we make lists of goals we want to achieve, but the list remains on the nightstand or kitchen table. The words do not move from the page, and success seems to elude us. Regardless of what success means to you, there are strategies for making it all happen and come true for you. Attaining success is not as complicated as you might...

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Why Hobbies are Important to be Happy

personal development Dec 22, 2020

You may believe that hobbies are not vital. After all, they will take time away from work and family. However, personal pursuits serve many essential purposes, including helping you stay emotionally and mentally healthy.


If you have been avoiding spending time doing activities you like to do. Maybe it is time to recommit to a little "me time" and take up your preferred pastimes again.


  1. Hobbies offer an opportunity to release your stress and recharge your batteries. The medical community understands that stress can be detrimental. Crafts and other personal endeavors help you let go of stress as you focus on the things you enjoy.
  • If you are feeling anxiety or frustration, a hobby is a healthy outlet for your feelings.
  • Immersing yourself in your favorite pastime frees you from bothersome thoughts.
  1. Discover your creative side through practicing a hobby. Do you usually take time out of your busy day to let your creative juices flow? Hobbies fulfill this significant...
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10-Minute Morning Routine to Be Starting Off Right

personal development Dec 15, 2020

What are the first thoughts crossing your mind when that alarm clock goes off first thing in the morning? Do you instantly hit that snooze button? Do you try to think of any possible way to keep yourself in your comfy warm bed? Do you just wonder how so many women are getting up early and getting things done? Life Coach for Ladies is here to help!


Many morning routines you find online take hours to complete—a physical activity for thirty minutes, multiple Morning Pages, or thirty minutes of meditating on God's word. Most women cannot come up with that kind of spare time in the morning.


But, in no more than ten minutes, you can establish a morning practice that will leave you in the proper mindset to conquer the day. Read below to discover some time-saving habits you can integrate into each morning.


Minute 1 – Drink Water

Start storing a bottle of water next to your bed. Prior to you even getting out of bed, drink the water. Your body is dehydrated...

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Know How to Take Risks and Abandon Your Intolerable Fears

personal development Dec 08, 2020

It is pretty comfortable to sit back and keep the status quo. After all, if you do not rock the boat, you cannot fall into the water. But with few risks, there are few rewards.


Abandon Your Fears

You already recognize that accepting risks is, well, risky. To develop courage, you need to master your fears. But, it is not as straightforward as it sounds. If you have spent the better part of your life with fear, it is ingrained in your subconscious, but it is not impossible to change. All you require now is the willingness to overcome your fears. When you want to abandon your fears, there is nothing that can stop you!


Here are a few tips to keep fear at bay:

  1. Recognize Your Fears. Recognize your fears for what they are. You will soon discover how your fears are limiting you by your reactions to them.
  • Let's say you are afraid of driving. If you are ever in the driver's seat, your response might be a quick "Oh no! Get me out of here!" If you continue this pattern of...
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6 Surprisingly Quick Self-Care Tips

personal development Dec 01, 2020

“I do not have the time.”


How frequently do you say these words when it comes to self-care? Oh, you know it is good for you. But really, what woman has hours to spare to take care of themselves?


Very frankly… you do. You have more time than you imagine. The following six self-care tips will each take you less than one minute to do.


Take a Deep Breath

Anytime you feel tense, stressed out, or even just a little ‘off,’ taking some deep breaths will alter the situation for the better. The key? Do not just breathe. Hold your breath in-between steps for the most significant impact. Begin with inhaling to the count of five, then hold it for the count of five, and exhale to the count of five.


Slow Down Your Lunch

When was the last time you relished your food? The next time you eat something, pause while chewing to appreciate the textures and flavors. By doing so, you aid in digestion and rediscover the joy of eating simultaneously!

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