Spotlight on the COVID-19 and world travel

health May 29, 2020

Global Health Advisory Level 4 - Do Not Travel


The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19. In countries where commercial departure options remain available, U.S. citizens who live in the United States should arrange for an immediate return to the United States, unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period. U.S. citizens who live abroad should avoid all international travel.


Many countries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and implementing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines, closing borders, and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance notice.


Airlines have canceled many international flights and several cruise operators have suspended operations or canceled trips. If you choose to travel internationally, your travel plans may be severely disrupted, and you may be forced to remain outside of the United States for an indefinite timeframe.


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Spotlight: Womenā€™s Health In The Christian Perspective

health May 25, 2020

Women's health is a vital topic that encompasses physical well-being and emotional, mental, and spiritual health. From a Christian perspective, health is about honoring God with our bodies and living in alignment with His design for our lives. The Bible offers timeless wisdom that guides us in caring for our bodies, minds, and spirits, helping us to lead healthy and fulfilling lives as women of faith.


The Value of the Body as God’s Creation

The Bible teaches us that our bodies are precious creations of God, designed with purpose and care. In Psalm 139:14, the psalmist declares, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." This verse reminds us that our bodies are marvels of God’s creation, deserving of respect and care.


For women, this means embracing our bodies as God’s handiwork and taking steps to maintain our health. Whether through proper nutrition, regular exercise,...

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When You See Health From A Christian Perspective

health May 18, 2020

Health touches every aspect of our lives—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As Christians, our understanding of health is deeply rooted in our relationship with God and the teachings of the Bible. The Bible offers valuable insights into how we should care for our bodies and souls, reminding us that true health encompasses more than just physical well-being; it is about living in harmony with God’s design.


Our Bodies as Temples of the Holy Spirit

One of the Bible's most profound teachings on health is the idea that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, the Apostle Paul writes, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

This passage serves as a profound reminder that our bodies are not our own; they are sacred temples of the Holy Spirit,...

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Frequently Asked Questions You Need To Know About Heart Disease

health May 11, 2020

According to the American Heart Association, nearly five million Americans are living with heart failure and 550,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Heart failure is a serious condition that often is misunderstood. The questions below will help clarify misperceptions about this condition and its complications.


  1. What is heart failure?


  1. Heart failure does not mean that your heart has stopped or is about to stop. It is a serious condition in which the heart doesn't pump blood through your body as well as it should.


Your heart still beats, but it pumps less nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body. Because of this, heart failure can make you feel tired or weak. Heart failure also can cause swelling and fluid buildup in your legs, feet, and even your lungs. Fluid buildup in your lungs often is referred to as "congestion," which is why heart failure is sometimes called "congestive heart failure (CHF)." Patients may sometimes require...

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Christian Perspective To Good Health During Labor Day Festivities

health May 07, 2020

Labor Day is a time to celebrate hard work, relax with friends and family, and enjoy the last moments of summer. With cookouts, parties, and travel plans, it is easy to get caught up in the festivities and overlook our health. As Christians, we are called to honor God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, KJV) and maintain balance in all areas of life. While it is important to enjoy the day, it is equally important to care for our physical and spiritual well-being during this time.


Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy during Labor Day festivities:


1. Mindful Eating: Enjoy, but Do Not Overindulge

Labor Day is often associated with barbecues, picnics, and indulgent foods. While it is perfectly fine to enjoy a good meal, it is also important to be mindful of what we consume. Proverbs 25:16 (KJV) reminds us, "Hast thou found honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit." Moderation is key.

  • Tip: Eat fresh fruits,...
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How To Help Prevent a Heart Attack? Get Moving, Girl!

health May 04, 2020

National Women’s Health Week starts each year on Mother’s Day to encourage women and girls to prioritize their health. Preventing a heart attack should be one of the things that concern women most.

According to a 2018 CDC report, at 21.8%, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States (followed by cancers at 20.5%).

And while it is obviously not possible to completely prevent a heart attack, there are several important ways to help guard yourself against suffering a heart attack.


Are you tired of hearing advice about heart attack prevention?

Coaches like me will continue to advise about ways to prevent heart attacks until the number of people suffering the effects decreases significantly. If you have yet to take seriously the warnings and advice you have heard, seen, and read, please read on to learn about simple ways of heart attack prevention for almost everyone.


Because the heart is a muscle, it can be worked out and...

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Social Distancing, isolation, quarantine - the reason why is to be protected

health Apr 27, 2020

Physical/Social Distancing, Isolation, and Quarantine


COVID-19 is a new disease, and there is limited information regarding risk factors for severe disease. However, based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age with serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Based upon available information to date, those at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19 include:
• People aged 65 years and older
• People who live in a nursing home or long-term care facility
• Other high-risk conditions could include:
     o People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
     o People who have heart disease with complications
     o People who are immunocompromised, including cancer treatment
     o People of any age with severe obesity (body mass index [(BM]I)≥40) or certain underlying medical conditions,...

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Kindness Makes A Girl Strong!

health Apr 20, 2020

Being Kind Gets You Nowhere. Or Does It?


"Have you ever noted how much of Christ's life was spent doing kind things?" - Henry Drummond

Do you believe the phrase, "nice guys finish last?" Women often believe that being kind means you are weak and can be easily taken advantage of by others.

But is this correct?

Women are taught that behind every smile, there is a hidden motive.

We are apprehensive and skeptical when others show kindness to us.

Kindness does not equate to weakness. Quite the opposite, it takes great amounts of strength to show kindness to somebody who thinks differently than you do or is slowing your progress somehow.


Benefits of Kindness

Women who perform regular acts of kindness are often more successful, have more social friends, and are more well-liked than those who do not. It is advantageous to your overall mental health.

Ways being kind helps your success:

  • Kindness improves confidence. Studies show kindness boosts self-worth.
  • People remember...
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The Basic Facts of High Blood Pressure You Need to Know

health Apr 13, 2020



The information and content on Life Coach for Ladies Website or provided by email is not intended to replace an individual relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Sandra Krug and Krug Enterprises of Manatee LLC encourage you to continue visiting with and being treated by your primary care physician or health care provider. Only a Licensed Medical Professional can diagnose certain ailments and prescribe treatments and medications for you. Do not ignore or delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of any information obtained from Life Coach for Ladies/Krug Enterprises of Manatee, LLC/Sandra Krug.  Consult your own Medical Professional regarding all nutritional supplements to evaluate if the exercise could adversely affect or react with any medications or pre-existing conditions.  Stop any activity immediately if you have any adverse reaction.  Sandra and Life Coach for Ladies are not acting in...

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Focus on the Symptoms of COVID ā€“ important to know it all

health Apr 06, 2020

Current symptoms reported for patients with COVID-19 have included mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing.


If you develop symptoms such as fever, cough, and/or difficulty breathing, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or have recently traveled from an area with the ongoing spread of COVID-19, stay home and call your healthcare provider.


Older patients and individuals who have severe underlying medical conditions or are immunocompromised should contact their healthcare provider early, even if their illness is mild. If you have severe symptoms, such as persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face, contact your healthcare provider or emergency room and seek care immediately. Your doctor will determine if you have signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and whether you should be tested.


Using the CDC-developed diagnostic test, a negative result...

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