You'll Empower Your Life with an Attitude of Gratitude

personal development Nov 26, 2020

Do you appreciate how much you can improve your outlook on life by simply being thankful? This is what is known as an "attitude of gratitude." If you cultivate an "attitude of gratitude," you will bring even more joys into your life like a fulfilling career, health, pay raises, stronger relationships, and wealth.


An attitude of gratitude is genuinely a magnet for prosperity and success. After all, much of life is about our attitude and our outlook on things. There is an adage that optimists might be wrong and pessimists might be right about some things, but optimists relish the ride. Which one are you?


When you transform your attitude, you can change your entire universe. And yes, you really can change your attitude by demonstrating gratitude a little more often.


Be Thankful for All You Have


Lots of women, possibly even the majority of us, believe our lives are boring or meaningless. Isn't that awful? Frequently we see not much to be thankful for because...

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6 Simple Ways to Simplify Your Life

personal development Nov 24, 2020

When you are stressed out and cannot find a moment of peace for yourself, you probably need to simplify your life.  We often make our life more complicated than it needs to be, so if we turn it down a notch and make matters simpler, our stress levels will decrease rapidly, and our life will be much more enjoyable. 


We often think everything is of equal importance in our lives, but there are some great ways to evaluate what matters to gain a new perspective on life.


6 Simple Ways to Simplify Your Life


  1. Determine what is essential. Make a list of all activities you have going on in your life right now. It would help if you looked at the first four or five and made sure that you put most of your energy into these things. It is the first four or five factors in your life, like your family, relationship, or work, that ought to get the most emphasis on a day-to-day basis. Once you make this list, it is a whole lot easier to see where you are devoting most of...
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3 Ways to Overcome the Fear of the Unknown

personal development Nov 17, 2020

Conquering the fear of the unknown is a challenging endeavor, but it is possible. If you agonize from a fear of uncertainty, knowing what fear is and how it impacts you can allow you to embark on the road to conquering it.


There are several definitions for fear; however, the most fundamental meaning of fear is an emotional response because we face something unfamiliar or feel impending danger.


When women experience fear, several physiological and psychological responses take place all at the same time.


Psychological events include feeling emotionally overwhelmed, having high levels of anxiety, and even feeling terrified. Physiological responses include a faster heart rate, shallow breathing, and similar effects.


Experiencing fear can significantly impact your view on life, your confidence levels, and even the potential that you have as an individual.


Here is an illustration of a situation where a woman had the crippling fear that everything she did...

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Seven Helpful Ways to Make a Terrible Day Better

personal development Nov 10, 2020

No matter how hard you strive, bad days are going to creep up now and then. While you cannot regulate the things that happen to you, you can manage your responses. You can also releave a negative situation by taking action to remedy the problem.


The first task is to acknowledge the fact that you are having a miserable day. Once you do this, you can consciously choose not to concentrate on the negatives anymore. Allowing all those emotions to spin around in your head is only going to make your day worse.


The next task is to discover something you can do to cheer yourself up. Every woman is different and likes different things. What ‘cheers you up’ is not necessarily going to be the same for everyone.


Check out these ideas for turning your bad day around:


  1. Finding comforting activities. A rotten day is prone to trigger you to get stressed out and tense up. You can combat this feeling by participating in something you find relaxing, such as...
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3 Simple Ways to Boost Confidence Now

personal development Nov 03, 2020

I have been coaching ladies for a few years. The biggest thing I have learned, both for my clients and myself, is that the key to it all is inner confidence. 

There are multiple strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behavior, and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about yourself. But they are redundant if the foundation is not stable. That foundation is your genuine self, the you that deep down you know you are. The secret is that it takes confidence to find that foundation and bring out the real you.


Three steps to confidence you can take today:


  1. Understand your values


Personal values are a big passion, and I often get carried away when I talk about them. I make no apology for that, though. They are one of the most important things you can know about yourself and are vital in getting genuine inner confidence.

Your values are right at the very core of who you are. They are building blocks, cornerstones, and foundations. A value...

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Four Ways to Be Delighted in the Everyday Life

personal development Oct 27, 2020

Life is a beautiful journey. A journey that you only get the pleasure of enjoying once. So, you must maximize your time on this earth by ensuring that you appreciate every single moment you can.


It truly is those little things in life that bring us the most joy. Some women believe that their level of personal happiness is dependent upon the actions of others. While contributions from loved ones certainly can boost your spirits, the key to everyday satisfaction rests in your own hands.


Four easy approaches to bring more pleasure into your life each day:


  1. Spend alone-time with your partner. Love is the most powerful prescription for happiness. Luckily, it is free, enjoyable for both parties, and readily available! Take advantage of the beautiful person you have by your side and spend as much quality time together as possible.


* Schedule a monthly date night, even if you live with each other. (Hint: Being in a lively atmosphere where the crowd disappears...

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Six Ways to Easily Make Balance and Harmony in Your Life

personal development Oct 20, 2020

Developing balance and harmony among all the aspects of your life can bring you true happiness. It can be challenging to keep everything in order, but the harmony you create makes a tremendous difference when you do.


The trick is to spread your focus reasonably equally among the different areas of your life. This means that, while your work life might be stressful, you cannot overlook your relationships, spirituality, or other areas that are also vital to you.


The situation can be compared to the beautiful music performance by an accomplished orchestra. All instruments perform in perfect harmony together. Occasionally one instrument will come forward into the spotlight while the other instruments wait or keep on playing quietly, fulfilling their part of the total beauty.


Use these techniques to bring the beauty of balance and harmony to your life:


  1. Avoid completely focusing on one issue. If you devote all of your energy on one aspect of your life, the...
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How to Deal with Conflict Graciously

personal development Oct 13, 2020

Dealing with conflict diplomatically can be an overwhelming challenge if you have a short temper. The way you treat others affects your career contacts, friendships, job security, and even romantic relationships.


To deal with conflict kindly, be willing to agree to change.


The next time you face confrontation, follow these tips:


  1. Step out of your shoes. Scrutinize the situation objectively as it will allow you to see both sides of the story honestly. Why is the other person unhappy? What could you maybe have done to offend them or cause them to feel as if they were wronged or attacked? Is there any merit to their reaction?


* Remember, most people hardly ever lash out without a feeling of justification. Find why they approached you so hastily so you can figure out how to diffuse the situation.


  1. Be understanding. Sometimes, all someone needs to calm down is to feel as if they are understood. Say something that will make them feel like they have the...
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Secrets Of Analyzing Thought-Provoking Dreams to Conquer Problems

personal development Oct 06, 2020

While dream analysis will not solve all your challenges, just paying closer attention to your dreams can drive you in the right direction for resolving at least some of them. Your dreams can give you clues about what is going on in your subconscious.


Sleeping gives your mind much-needed rest and allocates your brain time to sort things out. What is actually on your mind may wind up in your dreams as a way to deal with your feelings.


Take an interest in Dreams


Get into the practice of paying attention to what your dreams are advising you. They might appear wild and crazy initially, but you may find an important message hidden within if you break them down.


When you have trouble recalling your dreams, keep a pen and paper beside your bed. You might be able to remember your dream the instant you wake up. If so, you can immediately jot down your thoughts before they are lost. This technique also enables you to capture the details of your dreams more fully.


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Conquer your Comfort Zone - Quick and Easy Strategies

personal development Sep 29, 2020

It could be a great thing if you find your comfort zone. Every woman likes a place where she can feel safe. Still, sometimes your comfort zone limits you. You may miss out on opportunities without even knowing that you are missing out!


Growing your comfort zone can create a whole new world of excitement, experiences, financial opportunities, friends, knowledge, and passion in your life. To take advantage of these benefits, the first thing you must do is embrace change.


Life is full of changes. When you get into the habit of finding the good in every change, you become more comfortable with the idea of change itself and look forward to the new adventures that lie ahead. With this mindset, you are ready, willing, and able to expand your comfort zone.


Try these practical techniques to help you break free of the limits of your comfort zone:


  1. Think positive thoughts. When you live in a bubble, and that bubble breaks, you will most likely feel fear. When you...
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