Good News of the Healing in a Relationship with God

relationships Apr 17, 2020

The foundation of all healing—physical, emotional, or relational—begins with our relationship with God. By its very nature, sin creates a barrier between us and our Creator, distorting our ability to connect with Him and others. The brokenness we experience in our earthly relationships often reflects the deeper spiritual separation caused by sin. However, the good news is that Jesus Christ came to bring healing to our relationships. First and foremost, He restored us to God through His sacrificial death on the cross.


Jesus Christ came to restore what was lost and to heal our relationship with God, enabling us to heal our relationships with others. Through Jesus Christ, all our sins are forgiven, and we can call God “Father.”


The Consequences of Sin

To understand the need for healing, it is important to recognize the impact of sin on our relationship with God. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 59:2, "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us...

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Christian Parenting: Raising Children in Faith and Love

relationships Apr 10, 2020

Parenting is one of the most challenging yet rewarding roles God entrusts to us. As Christian parents, our responsibility goes beyond providing for our children’s physical needs—we nurture their spiritual growth, shape their character, and guide them toward a life that honors God. But what does Christian parenting truly involve, and how can we effectively raise our children in faith and love?


The Foundation: Building on God’s Word

The Bible is our ultimate guide in parenting. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This verse emphasizes the importance of instilling biblical values in our children from a young age. By consistently teaching them God’s Word and demonstrating its truths in our own lives, we lay a strong foundation for their faith.


Leading by Example

Children learn more from what they see us do than we tell them. As parents, it's our responsibility to lead by...

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Christian Daughter: A Journey of Faith, Honor, and Love

relationships Apr 03, 2020

Being a daughter is a role filled with unique joys, challenges, and responsibilities. As a Christian daughter, you are to navigate these dynamics in a way that honors God and reflects His love. It's a journey of faith, honor, and love that brings immense joy and inspiration. But what does it mean to be a Christian daughter, and how can you live out this role with faith, honor, and love?


Understanding Your Identity in Christ

Before anything else, it is important to understand that your identity as a daughter goes beyond your earthly family. As a Christian, you are, first and foremost, a daughter of God. This profound understanding empowers you, shaping how you view yourself and your relationships. Knowing that you are loved, valued, and cherished by God gives you the confidence to live out your role gracefully and purposefully.


Honoring Your Parents

One of the key commandments in the Bible is to honor your father and mother. Ephesians 6:1-3 reminds us that children must...

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Faith Is The Foundation Of The Christian Marriage Life

relationships Mar 27, 2020

Marriage is a sacred covenant, a union that reflects Christ's love and commitment to His church. For Christians, marriage goes beyond a legal contract; it is a spiritual and emotional bond designed by God Himself.


But what does it truly mean to have a Christian marriage, and how can couples ensure their union aligns with God's will?


Let’s explore the key elements that form the foundation of a strong Christian marriage.


Christ at the Center

The most important aspect of a Christian marriage is having Christ at the center of the relationship. When both partners seek to honor God in their marriage, they create a firm foundation to withstand life's challenges. This means prioritizing prayer, studying the Bible together, and seeking God’s guidance in all decisions.


And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.— Ecclesiastes 4:12


This verse beautifully illustrates...

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Faith Perspective is Important in the World of Dating

relationships Mar 20, 2020

Finding a meaningful relationship can feel overwhelming in a world filled with endless dating apps, social media profiles, and swipes. For Christians, the challenge of dating is often compounded by the desire to honor God in every aspect of life, including romantic relationships.

So, how does one navigate the complex dating world while staying true to Christian values?


Let’s explore some key principles.

Foundation in Faith

The first and most important aspect of Christian dating is ensuring that your faith is the foundation of your relationship. A shared belief in Christ provides common ground and mutual understanding, which can help you both grow spiritually and emotionally. Before pursuing a relationship, it is important to evaluate your relationship with God. Are you rooted in His word? Are you pursuing a life that reflects His teachings? When a man and woman align in their faith, it sets the stage for a strong, Christ-centered relationship.

Intentionality in...

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The Value of Christian Friendships: Building Bonds That Last

relationships Mar 13, 2020

In a world where relationships often feel shallow and transient, Christian friendships stand out as a source of deep connection, spiritual growth, and mutual support. These bonds, rooted in shared faith and values, offer something unique and precious - companionship that uplifts and draws us closer to God.

The Foundation of Christian Friendships

Christian friendships are based on Christ’s love. Unlike other relationships based on common interests or experiences, they are grounded in a shared belief in Jesus Christ. This common ground fosters a sense of unity and purpose as friends encourage one another in their faith journeys.


The Bible provides numerous examples of such friendships. Jonathan and David’s relationship is one of the most well-known, marked by loyalty, sacrifice, and a deep spiritual connection (1 Samuel 18-20). Their bond was a product of personal affinity and a mutual commitment to God’s plan and purposes.

The Characteristics of a Christian...

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Overcome any Challenge in the Christian Relationship

relationships Mar 06, 2020

Every woman wants to have strong, healthy relationships. How can we cultivate and nurture relationships that exhibit these qualities and overcome any challenge in the Christian relationship?


A Guide to Respectful Disagreement

Women often face many challenges in any relationship, whether with family, friends, or romantic partners. These challenges range from simple disagreements and opinions to serious issues like misunderstandings and offenses. It is crucial to navigate these difficulties effectively and promote overall health in the relationship.

Christian relationships, like any other kind, are not immune to disagreements or differences in opinions.

These differences can stem from various sources, such as: 

  • interpretations of scripture (e.g., understanding of certain passages)
  • personal beliefs (e.g., views on social issues)
  • values (e.g., priorities in life)
  • experiences (e.g., past traumas or joys)

It is important to remember that many of us face these common...

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Overcome Shyness in Five Easy Steps

relationships Feb 28, 2020

Do you often find yourself feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious in social situations? If your shyness is holding you back from enjoying yourself and connecting with others, it is time to start working on building your confidence. With some dedicated effort and practice, you can tap into your inner strength and finally start living the fulfilling life you deserve.


By following the steps below, you can overcome your shyness in a healthy, gradual manner:


  1. Increase your self-confidence. A certain sense of satisfaction comes with feeling good about oneself. It makes socializing with others a more pleasant experience. When you feel secure, you can confidently express your thoughts and ideas because you know they are worthwhile and have something valuable to contribute to the conversation.


  • You can enhance self-confidence by developing your body image, successfully pursuing your goals, and establishing a rewarding romantic relationship with a partner.


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Turn The Tables on Negative People

Negative people are burdened with various lusts and issues that they are either not dealing with or are using to influence and control their relationship with you.


They might cause stress, scandals, struggles, or conflicts. You may experience repeated violations of your boundaries, such as manipulation, verbal abuse, or physical, emotional, or spiritual harm. Spending time with them can leave you feeling drained and fatigued.


You probably know more than your fair share of negative people! Since they are everywhere, it is important to understand how to live with them.


Dealing with troublesome individuals who disrupt our lives is covered in many Scriptures.


In 1 Corinthians 15:33, the Apostle Paul urges us, “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.’”


In Proverbs 22:24-25, we are warned, “Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get...

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The Big 5 Personality Traits and You

relationships Feb 14, 2020

Many personality models have developed over history. A scientist named Lewis Goldberg developed the “The Big Five.”


Combining these five personality factors can accurately describe a person’s personality and predict their behavior and success in life quite well.


Use “The Big Five” to understand your personality and gain insight into your current challenges:


1. Extraversion. On one end of this scale are the extroverts, and on the other are the introverts. Most of us lie somewhere in between.


  •  Think of introverts as those who gain energy while spending time alone. They tend to tire from social interactions. Introverts are frequently introspective, reserved, and quiet. They often, but not always, lack social confidence.

  •  Extroverts are just the opposite. Being alone drains their energy, and they are recharged by spending time with others. Extroverts are commonly described as friendly, socially confident,...
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