New Ways To Remember Thanksgiving With Love

spirituality Nov 22, 2020

Thanksgiving is an extraordinary time of year for so many reasons. But one main reason is that it is the start of the holiday season. And, just about every woman knows that when dinner is over, the shopping season begins.


Thanksgiving embodies tradition for a lot of women. This can be a sorrowful time of year for some and very joyous for others.

  • Many women are dealing with grief and loss. The holiday reminds them of those who are not there to celebrate those traditions that have long been a part of family activities.
  • For others, it is a joyous time of new and old traditions, possibly new family members, and love mixed with sharing.

Either way, you can do some things to make the holiday your own.


Remember the love of God and the warmth of sharing in the season.


Women need the love of Christ more than ever during the holidays. If you are that woman trying to get through the holidays, let me share some ideas that may help your heart, family, and maybe even a new...

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Unlock The Courage To Overcome PTSD With Faith

spirituality Nov 11, 2020


Those who suffer trauma during events like abuse, injuries, war, etc., may develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Many combat veterans, as well as abuse survivors battle with PTSD. Combat Trauma and PTSD are not just psychological conditions. They are spiritual as well. 


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can cause many symptoms. Three categories of symptoms are:


  1. Re-experiencing
  • Flashbacks—reliving trauma again and again, including physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating
  • Nightmares
  • Frightening thoughts

Re-experiencing can bring about problems in a person’s everyday routine. Words, items, or situations that are reminders of events can trigger re-experiencing.


  1. Avoidance
  • Evading -  events, objects, or places that are reminders of the experience
  • Feeling emotionally numb
  • Feeling intense depression, guilt, or apprehension
  • Losing interest in events that were fun in the past
  • Having trouble recalling the trauma


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Spirit Wellness as the Backbone of Your Life

spirituality Oct 25, 2020

Are you seeking a deeper spiritual meaning for your life? You are not alone. The chaotic demands of life in the 21st-century, coupled with a pandemic, have made many women feel disengaged. Maybe you need a spiritual connection to bring a sense of balance and completion in your life.

Many women confuse spirituality with religion and believe that spirit wellness can only come from religious beliefs. Spiritual balance can come from more than endorsing a religion. Some women do seek religion for their spirituality, but spirituality can also be achieved without belonging to a specific denomination. If you are not part of a physical church, you can still build your spirit wellness!


“Help me raise my gaze.”  Sharon Hodde Miller


The cornerstone of your body is your backbone. It provides support and stability. Spirit wellness is a powerful life skill that provides you a better understanding of who you are as a person. That gives you better...

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Ways Shame Affects Your Quality Of Life

spirituality Aug 23, 2020

Shame influences your life in massive ways. It generates many false beliefs that can lead you to hold back from others and yourself.

Here are a few ways that your shame might be affecting you more than you realize:

Saying ‘Yes’ to Everyone

You might feel the need to respond to everyone with “yes” all the time. This means you overcommit and work until you are depleted. But even Jesus took time away in the course of His ministry on Earth.

“And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.” - Mark 6:46 KJV

If anyone could have made justifications and overextended Himself, it was Jesus. After all, He could have thought, “I am only here for 33 years. I should do all possible miracles in this time!”

But He did not. He attached importance to rest, and in doing so, He created a framework for us to follow too.

Feeling trapped in the Pain

Many women know the shame and pain that comes from sexual abuse and assault. But God...

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Know More About Authentic Prayer Conversations

spirituality Jul 05, 2020

Prayer aligns our hearts with God and His purposes. Prayer exists throughout the Bible. Jesus often withdrew from groups and his disciples to spend time in prayer. Jesus has promised us good things from God—his Father and ours. He does not promise to answer our specific demands, but he invites us to pray and promises to give us good things.


God loves us. He communicates with us out of His word and our prayers. The thought of prayer as a conversation seems so simple on the surface. But when you first start to pray, it can feel more like a monologue. After all, you are talking, but you are not hearing anything. Or are you?


God DOES speak back. It might not be audible, but He WILL speak to you in your spirit the more time you spend talking to Him in your prayer life.


It is easy to miss God’s voice because He does not always respond right away or precisely as we had anticipated. You might pray about money troubles only to find twenty dollars later...

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Pray: You May Get Different Results Than You Think

spirituality Jun 21, 2020

God Answers Every Prayer


Christians widely believe that a prayer is a powerful tool for making a difference in the world. But, sometimes Christians assume that their prayer is unanswered if God did not give them what they asked for in prayer.


Yet God always answers His children. Every single time. Every single prayer. In all of history, there have never been nor will there ever be unanswered prayers.


The primary purpose of prayer is to glorify God in any and every situation. God answers every prayer. Not all of our prayers are satisfied with the way we hope or on the anticipated timeline. Maybe you prayed to be married by twenty-five. Perhaps you prayed for a cure for your daughter’s illness.


God could respond to your prayers for a godly spouse when you are twenty-seven or forty-seven. God might answer your prayers for your daughter’s illness after she has suffered for five, ten, or even twenty years.


But when our circumstances do...

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4 Tips on How to Live a Truly Fulfilling Life

spirituality Jun 07, 2020

Women seem to spend a lot of time looking for the meaning of life or dreaming of living a happier, more fulfilling life. It is easy to find contentment in buying more prominent, more expensive things, from cars and homes to watches and designer handbags. But just collecting more and more stuff does not make you happy. It makes you frustrated and dissatisfied. The answer to fulfillment is much more straightforward. It is within your innermost self.

Luke 1:45 KJV, "And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord."

Here are 4 Tips for Fulfillment:


  1.  Understand the innermost you

Fulfillment lies in knowing yourself – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and acknowledging it.

Romans 7:22-23 KJV, "22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is...

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Life With Godā€™s Purpose: A Path To Authentic Fulfillment

spirituality May 31, 2020

One of the greatest questions many women face is, “What is my purpose?” It can be difficult to discern our lives true meaning and direction in a world filled with various demands and expectations. However, as Christian women, we are called to seek God’s purpose for our lives rather than pursuing what the world deems important. Aligning our lives with God’s will brings fulfillment and peace that surpasses all understanding.

God has created each of us with a specific purpose in mind. Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse that offers hope and assurance: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” This verse reminds us that God has already mapped out a plan for us, a plan that is filled with peace, hope, and purpose. By aligning our lives with His will, we can discover what that “expected end” is.


Discovering Your God-Given Purpose

The journey to aligning...

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5 Simple Steps to Truth Mindset Decision-Making

Some women contend that, in its simplest form, life is a series of choices. This is true. It is not that simple because life itself is not that simple. The complexity of life or, rather, living life means that the choices the average woman faces over a lifetime are equally complex. These choices range from simple survival decisions (Should I eat that mushroom?) to difficult moral personal choices (Should I speak out against this injustice and incur increased personal risk?). 


The one thing that all these decisions have in common is the option of action and outcome. However, because the nature of these actions and their potential consequences vary wildly, a strategy can only encompass the decision process. This is where an understanding of what a decision is becomes important.


A decision is simply the action of deciding something. A woman faced with a choice makes a choice. The most basic example of this is the proverbial fork in the road. When facing a fork in the...

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Overcome Negativity and Jealousy: Focus on GratitudeĀ 

spirituality May 17, 2020

Our society greatly emphasizes material possessions such as cars, homes, and clothes. We tend to derive our value and social status from these things and aspire to acquire more money, houses, and vehicles. Despite our relentless pursuit of these things, we fail to find true happiness. Rather than feeling grateful for what we do have, we often envy those who have more than us, creating a sense of dissatisfaction in our lives.


As Christians, it can be challenging to live according to Biblical principles while also struggling with jealousy. Imagine constantly trying to outdo our neighbors, coworkers, or family members. The pressure to compete can be overwhelming and ultimately cause us to lose sight of what truly matters - relationships, children, and health. Placing too much value on material possessions can leave us feeling unfulfilled and create an inner tension that takes away from our happiness. Remember that true happiness cannot be achieved by accumulating material...

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