How To Improve Your Public Speaking Skill

Speaking in public brings the heebie-jeebies to lots of women. Nearly 75% of all people suffer from speech anxiety (glossophobia). It is nerve-wracking, sweat-breaking, butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of panic. And it does not necessarily have to be before an audience of a hundred people. It could be that you are pitching an idea to three or four of your colleagues at a team meeting at work.


Public speaking terrifies us all because we worry about what people will think of us, which makes our brains freeze in panic. In turn, panic shuts down the rational part of our brain (the frontal lobe) responsible for our organizing, planning, thinking, and word production. Then chaos ensues.


But you can conquer glossophobia. Public speaking really does not have to be scary. It could be a lot of fun taking part in a wonderful experience, meeting new people, and learning new things. To make sure you and your listeners enjoy your next public speaking event, try these simple tips.


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Define Your Target Audience - Marketing to the Right Crowd

Marketing and sales go hand in hand with your goods and services. Long before you sell anything, you need to understand who you are selling to and why. One of the critical skills every marketer must have is defining their target audience.


Your target audience is also known as your ideal customer. That one perfect person that, all things equal, is the absolute epitome of why you make what you make or do what you do. Your target audience drives everything from what you make, how you make it, how you market it, and how you deliver it.


Your target audience helps you:

  • Define your purpose
  • Define your goods and services
  • Determine what you develop
  • Maximize your marketing
  • Focus your sales efforts


Identifying the target audience is the first step in creating your business because it helps you determine the many choices you must make.


How do you define your target audience?


Ask yourself these questions:

Question: Who do I want to serve?

Question: What is...

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Marketing Will Make You Successful

Marketing is a vital component of running any lucrative business. Most entrepreneurs are very good at what they do best. It could be speaking, coaching, writing content, or other highly valuable activity, but marketing is vital to getting out about their goods and services. This means business owners must understand marketing and successfully market themselves so they are noticed.  


The Many Hats of a Skillful Marketer

Skillful marketers must wear many hats. Marketing includes multiple aspects of their business. Nearly everything an entrepreneur does consists of some form of marketing. Let’s take a look.


Hat #1: Skillful marketers know how to convey their value. Having a great product or service won’t guarantee any sales if no one knows they exist. Great marketers can communicate the benefits of their goods and services concisely and with credibility. Through the power of persuasion, great marketers can express why their goods and services surpass...

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What Happens When You Make A Digital Footprint?

Everything we do online has the potential to remain online…indefinitely. This can affect your personal and business finances, and other areas of your life. 


What Is a Digital Footprint…and How Big is Yours?

Our digital footprint, also known as a digital shadow, is the cumulative traceable digital activity we create over time. Our digital footprint includes active and passive activity. Here's how-


We contribute to our digital footprint actively- Each time we go online and engage in digital activity, we add to our digital footprint. Examples of active contributions include:


  • Sending emails
  • Using social media
  • Posting pictures
  • Posting videos
  • Having a blog
  • Commenting on websites
  • Completing online forms


These types of activities are something you can control. You can increase or decrease your footprint depending on how active you are online.


We contribute to our digital footprint passively- Many times, our online activity adds to our...

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Small Talk Survival Strategies You Need To Know

Happy New Year!

Ready to get this year started? 

Ready to jump confidently into conversations and network like a pro this year?

When meeting new prospects/clients/etc. for the first time, you are sure to get bogged down with small talk. If you take charge of the dialogue and turn it into something interesting, you become the rescuer of the situation. You leave a great first professional impression.


Quick tips for surviving small talk:

Do Your Research

Do you know who you will be meeting? If so, find out a few details about them in advance. Use the points to ask questions constructed to get people talking. For instance, “I hear you enjoy golfing. Where is your favorite course?”

Give a Memorable Introductions

When you introduce people, say the names slowly so everyone can hear. Also, be sure to tell some interesting facts about the person you are introducing, so they have something to talk about instantly.

Remember People’s Names

In social situations,...

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