Alert: What is this COVID-19 thing, really?

health Mar 30, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID - 19)


Beginning December 2019, we have been hearing about a family of viruses known as coronaviruses. There are 69 known species of these coronaviruses. Seven of them can affect humans. The others of this virus species are contracted by animals, mostly pigs, bats, and other small mammals.



Healthcare providers have known about these viruses since the 1960s. From 2002 to 2003, the general population began to hear of them due to an outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus that occurred in China. Eventually, this virus was called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The epidemic spread to twenty-four countries around the world. According to the World Health Organization, roughly 8,000 cases were reported. The mortality rate was between 9.5 to 10 percent.

Another new strain of coronavirus emerged in Saudi Arabia about ten years later, with an extremely high mortality rate of 35 percent. That epidemic spread to twenty-one countries before it was...

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Little Acts of Kindness Make Big Results

health Mar 23, 2020

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” - Mother Teresa.

Remember how you have felt before when you had a tough day, and someone smiled at you?  Or when you helped your neighbor carry in groceries, and how she still thanks you to this day? Any small act of kindness can make huge impacts on a person’s life.

Small acts often lead to huge ripples. A small act can change the life of a person, who then can perform a kindness for someone else. And the cycle continues to grow - improving everyone's mental health.

No matter how small or large the kindness is, it is likely to affect your mental health greatly. According to psychologists and researchers, small acts of kindness create a rebound effect on not only the receiver’s psyche but yours too.

For instance, a smile increases the receiver’s comfort level and makes them more contented. It also leaves you in a better mood too. A simple smile could be the reason...

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Easily Boost Immune System as the Way to be Better

health Mar 16, 2020

3 Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System This Winter


immune system


We all have times when we could use a little extra boost to our immune system. Cold and flu season is certainly part of that time. Or, the long winter weeks when we are stuck inside and more likely to catch something. It is also important anytime you board a plane or when your kids start school.


Check out the CDC’s info on the flu season.


Here are simple things you can do daily:


This brings up a good point: For best results, implement daily.

Let’s start.


Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

All systems of your body work best when they are properly fed. This includes your immune system. Stick to a mainly whole-foods based diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you feel like you might be a little under the weather or suspect that you may have come into contact with someone sick, increasing your intake of Vitamin C may help as...

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Good Hand Hygiene is The Best Line of Defense Against Colds and Flus

health Mar 09, 2020

Unlike bacterial infections that can quickly be cleared up with a round of antibiotics, with sicknesses caused by viruses like the flu or the common cold, you often have to ride it out. While there are medications that can help ease your symptoms, your immune system must fight the viral infection off.


Why not take it easy on your body and do what you can to avoid catching it in the first place?


Your first line of defense to avoid getting sick this year is simple – Wash Your Hands.
That’s right.
The simple act of washing your hands frequently with soap and hot water limits the spread of cold and flu viruses and your chance of coming down with them.

Get in the habit of washing your hands whenever you have been out in public, and whenever you can throughout the workday.

Wash them before you eat or drink food and when hot water and soap are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.


Why is hand hygiene so important?

Because you...

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You Need To Sleep To Be Healthy

health Mar 02, 2020

Sleep Is Important to Help Your Body Fight Colds and Flu This Season

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Sleep, can you recall a time in your life when you did not get enough?


For many of us, this happens from time to time. We are staying up late to study for finals in school. Or how about those many sleepless nights after welcoming a newborn. Or maybe you suffer from the occasional bout of insomnia.


Think back on one of those times. Chances are that those were also times when you were more likely to catch a cold or come down with the flu or a stomach bug.

On the flip side, making sure you get plenty of quality sleep can serve as a sort of insurance policy.


It strengthens your immune system and helps your body fight off any type of infection or treat that comes it’s way. In addition, your body will be able to heal itself faster should you come down with something if you get plenty of rest. That is why your doctor often orders plenty of rest and fluids when you have...

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Better Health ā€“ is what happens when diet and exercise are improved!

health Feb 17, 2020

Stay Healthy Through Improved Diet and Exercise


One of the most important things you can do to avoid getting sick – and not just from cold and flu, but anything else out there that is contagious – is keep your body as strong and healthy as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to eat a healthy diet and get some sort of daily exercise.


Here is what that may look like.


Tips for Eating Healthy

Improving your diet to eat healthier can seem like a challenge. There is a lot you can do. The key is to start and make small improvements as you go along. A great place to start is by cutting out sugar and processed foods. Replace them with whole food options where you can. Have an apple instead of a candy bar when you need a snack. Fix some scrambled eggs instead of pouring a bowl of sugary cereal in the morning. Skip the fast-food burger and fix a salad to take to lunch. You get the idea.


From there, I would encourage you to add more fresh...

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Exercise Is The Way To Gain Inner Strength

health Feb 04, 2020

There is probably no woman alive who would tell you her life is anything but busy – and sometimes challenging. Women are pulled so many directions at once it can be easy to get stretched thin.


Women face trying situations among their friends and family, at home, at work, even with strangers. Everything taps into your inner strength and can drain it little by little.


You cannot do anything about what you experience because it is simply a part of life. But what you can do is learn ways to improve your inner strength to have the calm necessary to deal with all that comes your way.


There are tools you can utilize to help increase your ability from an internal mindset perspective - so that irrespective of what you face, you can have a life of calm.


One of the most accessible tools to help when you want to enhance mental strength is physical activity. Exercise does so much beyond giving your muscles strength and helping to manage weight.



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Know More About Blood Sugar Fundamentals

health Feb 03, 2020

Do You Understand Blood Sugar Levels?

Many women do not understand hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. The prefix hyper means over or high, and the prefix hypo means under or low. Hyperglycemia is a blood sugar level that is too high, and hypoglycemia is a blood sugar level that is too low.

Blood sugar levels will fluctuate subject to our actions, environment, state of health, or even our thoughts. Healthy bodies circulate hormones to respond to changes in blood sugar level to efficiently consume the sugar while maintaining a healthy blood glucose balance.

Some womens' systems cannot either produce and release the correct hormones or respond effectively to them for various reasons. These incapacities cause both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar (glucose) levels in your body are too high. Diabetes can cause serious health problems, including heart attack or stroke, blindness, problems during pregnancy, and kidney...

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Kindness Is The Important Quality We Need Right Now

health Jan 20, 2020

"Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting…Don’t only give your care, but give your heart as well."
- Mother Teresa

Kindness is sometimes missing in today's society. Women are more connected to their devices than to what is happening around them. They are self-absorbed. Kindness is frequently the last thing they think about throughout their day.

Without kindness, our world is filled with anger, discontent, and strife. We have seen relationships just fall apart (or never start). Countless countries have disintegrated into perpetual war zones. Our whole world has completely changed.

All successful relationships are, in the end, supported by kindness, according to Dr. John and Julie Gottman, originators of the Gottman Institute, which studies relationships. What's more, they assert that the most crucial time you should be kind is during the conflict, such as when arguing with your husband. Yet, that is the hardest time...

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Shameless: Anxiety And Depression Are Not Controversial, Rare, Or Weird

health Jan 13, 2020

It is not certainly uncommon for women to go through occasional anxiety or depression, especially in response to life's stressors. But, if those feelings become disproportionate or prolonged with no significant reason, it needs to be addressed by a professional


Fortunately, diagnosing and treatment approaches have come a long way, partially thanks to numerous public health campaigns to bring mental health issues 'out of the shadow'.


The co-existence of anxiety and depression is a noted feature of the disorders. While behavioral and emotional symptoms vary within the two, the fact remains that both are unnatural and unwelcome states of a woman's mental health.


Anxiety is described as a constant overwhelming state of fear or worry and can be debilitating with physical manifestations. The symptoms of depression are similar with an unrelenting feeling of despair or sadness.


The precise cause is still uncertain. Fluctuations of brain chemistry, genetic...

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