You Need to Identify The “Right” And “Wrong” People

relationships Feb 06, 2020

Human beings are highly social creatures who develop many relationships throughout their lives. As you meet new people, some of the relationships you form will become intimate and serious, such as your best friends and romantic partners.


Others will be formal, such as your coworkers or supervisors. Some will be cordial, like the neighbors that live two houses down from you or the girl who works at your local coffee shop.


Regardless of who you meet or how serious the relationships you form become, there is always a way you can divide these many connections: Ones that are right for you and ones that are wrong for you. Differentiating the right relationships from the wrong ones is a crucial skill to excel in life.


What does it mean to identify the “right” and “wrong” people for you?


“Right” and “wrong” can assume a variety of definitions between different people. Since all human beings are distinctive and have...

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What Do People Think? Don't Worry

relationships Jan 31, 2020

Are you always doubting decisions? Do you agonize over other people's reactions to your behaviors or opinions?

I will share some tips and tricks to help you stop worrying about what people think of you in this blog. Discover how to use constructive criticism to your advantage. Then, sort out negative judgments.

This will leave you with less anxiety and overwhelm. So you can remain more focused on yourself and the best way to achieve goals.

Let's get started.

Do People's Opinions Hold You Back?

Stressing over what others think and feel about you is a normal part of our DNA. We are programmed to seek others' approval.

Studies show there is a reward center that is activated when receiving a compliment. Even if you sense other people's recognition of your hard work, your brains fire up those same reward centers.

So, we feel good about ourselves when we are accepted. Yet, we cannot always be acknowledged and adored by everyone all the time.

Problems begin when we start pivoting our lives...

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How Do You Overcome Negativity and Envy? By Being Focused on Gratitude

relationships Jan 24, 2020

We ladies exist in a society where value and status are about material things like cars, clothes, and homes, and we all dream about having more – more money, bigger houses, more cars – still we never seem to be happy. As a replacement for staying thankful for what we do have, we feel envious of the people who have more than we do.


Being in constant rivalry with coworkers, family members, or neighbors can be grueling! Eventually, you'll lose sight of the essential things in life, such as your children, relationships, and health. If you place a substantial value on something, you won't feel very fulfilled, and you will end up making an inner tension that will only drive you away from happiness. After all, happiness is not the amount of stuff you collect.


Remember What You Are Grateful About


If you had to list what is good in your life right now, and you were not permitted to mention any material possessions, would you have a tough time coming up with a...

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Helpful Action Strategies That Will Stop Overreacting

relationships Jan 17, 2020

People can sometimes react excessively to circumstances without even knowing it. How does this happen?  Well, we permit our emotions to take over.


When you take control over your emotions, you make sounder reactions, leading to better solutions.


It is essential to remember that no person is perfect. Everyone overreacts from time to time. It is when your overreactions become a pattern that you should seek a better way.


Consider the following action strategies to help you stop overreacting:


  1. The art of not reacting. To end overreacting, you can try using the art of not responding. This means that when presented with a particular situation, your goal will be not to react at all. Instead, you will take the time to think about the problem and then formulate your action.


  1. Let out your emotions. Let yourself feel your feelings as they happen to you, and find positive ways to express them. When you let your feelings build up, they become more...
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The 5 Best Ways to Deal with Negative People

relationships Jan 10, 2020

No matter our profession, we all come in contact with difficult, negative people from time to time. Our primal instinct is to defend ourselves, fight back, and react to their negativity with some of our own. However, we are not animals who respond by instincts. We are human beings with the capacity to manage our reactions.


  • To fight anger with anger merely exhausts our energy and brings us down to their level.


Why are people challenging?


When people act negatively, it is a reflection of what is going on inside them. It is about them; it is not about you. It may be a complex, troubled past or something as straightforward as a terrible day that gets an individual angry.


  • Individuals who are unhappy and bored with their own lives will pursue conflict to enhance their egos.


Our ego then reacts by thinking, “I need to be right. If I don’t reply, I’m admitting defeat.” Then we find ourselves involved in a conflict that harms us...

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How to Resolve Conflict with Open Communication

relationships Jan 03, 2020

Whether you are considering managing a team or creating improved relationships between your family and friends, communication is something you have to give considerable attention.  If you sit down with someone and make sure you are on the same page, you will work well together and get more done.


What Is Open Communication?


Open communication is precisely what it sounds like: tackling an issue head-on and openly discussing ways to resolve it. Nothing improves by letting an issue fester because neither party wants to discuss it.

You would be surprised how many conflicts resolve simply by sitting down with somebody and engaging in open and friendly communication. The discussion should not be accusatory, threatening, or argumentative. Instead, it should be an opportunity for all people involved to voice their opinions and be heard calmly.


Tips to Resolving Conflict


* A face-to-face confrontation might not always be best. For example, some people are most...

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Loved one in crisis? You need to know, now!

relationships Dec 09, 2019

Tiffany Marie Olson was a beautiful young lady from Manatee County. She enjoyed the ocean. And, like all of us at Farmhouse Animal and Nature Sanctuary, Tiffany also loved all animals. She cherished her dog Simba. Simba had been found injured on the side of the road as a puppy and had surgery to mend injuries to her hindquarters. Tiffany adopted and rehabilitated her. Tiffany was also very close to her mother Christine. They enjoyed taking day trips together.

This year Tiffany would have been 36 years old. But in December 2005, she and her boyfriend Dustin were killed by a drunk driver. They were both on a motorcycle, wearing helmets when the drunk driver pulled out in front of them. Tiffany was thrown from the back of the motorcycle and died instantly. Dustin died as well. They were 15 minutes from our home. This fatal accident occurred at 7:01 PM. At 11:15 PM, Christine received a call from her son Darek. He had received word that his sister had been in an...

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Best Presents For A Happy Thanksgiving Day

relationships Nov 22, 2019

Stop shying away from experimenting when shopping for fun presents. Social occasions like Thanksgiving are not an ordinary affair. The yearly get-together brings the family hanging hats under one roof. Maybe they are all there for a fancy dinner. But, delighting the host is just as crucial.

Your host might be simmering in stress. After all, organizing a party keeps one on their toes, keeping tabs on several things simultaneously. Popping in with a fun and happy gift could set the mood to be cheery.


Best gift ideas to stand out

  1.   A contemporary close-packed cheeseboard -Everyone admires a swanky cheese board. Choose a board that’s chic and relatively new in design. Try getting your hands on the foldable swivel cheese boards.
  2. Exclusively customizes cheese knife -Wouldn’t it look nice to stack up cheese spreaders that are one of a kind? Shop rare designed and best quality metal cheese knives. Add a touch of personalization by inscribing something just for the...
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relationships Nov 01, 2019

November is a month of gratitude and I wanted to express my thankfulness for your support. Life coach for Ladies is here because of you and your support and I do not take that lightly.

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The Hidden Dangers of Being Too Nice

relationships Oct 25, 2019

 A genuinely decent or ‘nice’ woman is always a blessing to those they come in contact with throughout their days. It is an admirable quality that anyone would wish to have more contact with, especially to offset the spite and hate that can sometimes seem predominant.


Terrible news happens every day. And it is also extensively broadcast. People have never been more divided by what they believe and prove themselves correct, sometimes reaching a point of violence.


The world could make use of some altruism and genuine kindness today. The glaring truth is that we would live better if more good-hearted women were around in our midst.


But when you are a good and decent woman who is nice to the point of enabling others, it can often cause more detriment than benefit.

This occurs in two ways:

  • there are always people who will take advantage of a woman’s good nature, or
  • if these ‘nice’ behaviors manifest for the wrong reasons, it can be...
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