You Need To Make Christmas Christ-Centered

spirituality Dec 22, 2019

Christmas would not be Christmas without Christ. The holiday overflows with wonder, love, and joy. There is something extraordinary about Christmas and the feelings you felt as a child about that time of year.


It is not just about toys and presents, but the true meaning of the holiday is essential. But as women age, we tend to lose that reality. Christmas has gotten so commercialized that we hardly remember the true meaning of Christmas.


Sharing Christ: Planning a Christ-Centered Christmas


Each year we seem to lose a bit more of the true meaning of Christmas. God arrived in the world as Christ. He walked together with us as a man. His name is Immanuel which signifies “God is with us”. He appeared here on Earth to redeem us back to Himself and forgive all our sins. Christmas is about Him.


What if you could get back to the true meaning of Christ Christmas?

What if you could make the holiday this year about sharing Him and having beautiful...

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Girl, As the Holiday Frenzy Quickly Approaches, Don't Panic

spirituality Nov 03, 2019

November is here.

You might be feeling the frantic pace of the holiday season, along with the pressure to finish everything on time. There is a lot to do, from shopping, wrapping, packing, planning, and traveling, to cooking, cleaning, hosting, and attending year-end events. All of this Holiday frenzy can cause a lot of stress.

Phew. Relax and take a deep breath.

Before you jump into the busyness of the holidays … before the stress gets the best of you, take a moment to reflect on God’s promises of peace and pray.

A Prayer for the Stressed

Most gracious heavenly Father, please grant me your peace during this busy season. Help me to focus on you and recognize your grace in my life each day. Replace my stress, worries, and anxiety with gratitude and your peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you for carrying my burdens and for your constant presence in my life. I ask for all of this in your Son Jesus' name. Amen.

The Lord will give...

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You'll Get Out Of Your Head Easily With Mindfulness

spirituality Oct 06, 2019

Mindfulness is utilized as a counseling and psychotherapy tool. It is usually characterized by meditation and relaxation techniques. Jon Kabat-Zinn influenced adoption of this practice, by starting Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Comparable programs like Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) deal with anxiety and depression, boosting mental health. Mindfulness is also employed by businesses and schools to manage stress and generate creativity. 

The goal is to become more self-aware. However, this secular mindfulness encourages you to pay attention only to yourself. This contradicts Scripture’s teaching to have the mind of Christ and evaluate everything in light of our relationship with Him. So, Christians use mindfulness as a tool in a Christ-integrated way.


Meditation exists in Scripture in the context of spending time studying the Word of God.  " When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night...

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