Christian Life Coaching - This Is What You Need To Know

life coaching Feb 20, 2020
  1. What is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian Life Coaching is a professional service that helps people identify and achieve personal and professional goals. Faith and the Biblical Worldview shape the entire field of Christian Life Coaching. God has a bigger view of you than you can imagine. Christian Life Coaches work with their clients to assist them in overcoming obstacles, developing positive habits, and making lasting changes in their lives.


  1. The Benefits of Christian Life Coaching

There are numerous benefits to working with a life coach.

Some of the most common benefits include:

  • Enhanced communication and interpersonal skills
  • Greater self-awareness
  • Greater work/life balance
  • Improved decision-making
  • Improved goal-setting and time management
  • Increased clarity and focus
  • Increased motivation and confidence


  1. The Christian Life Coaching Process

The Christian Life Coaching process is unique to each client and based on the individual's needs and goal...

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What Are Life Coaching Services? A Guide to Growth and Transformation

life coaching Feb 20, 2020


In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to navigate the ups and downs of life without support. Whether achieving personal goals, overcoming obstacles, or finding a sense of purpose, life coaching services provide guidance, clarity, and accountability to help individuals live fulfilling and purposeful lives. But what exactly is life coaching, and how can it benefit you? In this blog, we’ll explore life coaching services, how they work, and why they might be the key to unlocking your full potential.


What Is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is a collaborative, goal-oriented process where a coach works with individuals to help them identify their goals, overcome challenges, and create a personal growth and success plan. Unlike therapy, which often focuses on healing past wounds, life coaching is forward-looking, concentrating on achieving present and future objectives.

Life coaches act as guides, helping clients explore their values, beliefs, and motivations. They provide s...

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Let Struggles You Overcame in the Past Lead Your Way

life coaching Feb 13, 2020

Being stuck in the past is one of the most common issues I address in Life Coaching for ladies. Women cannot be their best self when their brain is preoccupied with prior mistakes, past hurts, and that nagging feeling of regret.


Depending upon the situation, you might want to let overcome past struggles lead the way and permit yourself to move forward.


What does it mean to allow the past struggles you overcame to lead the way?

Think about your past struggles. Perhaps you dealt with something emotionally challenging, like losing a close friend or family member. Maybe you experienced a professional battle and had to wrestle with problems at work. Sometimes your struggles are familial, such as contention or disagreement between family members.


You can use struggles this way because they often serve as essential teachers: Even the grimmest and most challenging struggles teach you some valuable wisdom as you experience them.


Regardless of your struggles or how challeng...

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Fight For It! Stop Hiding Behind What Happens Easily

life coaching Feb 06, 2020

What does it mean to hide behind what is easy?


When you decide to hide behind what is easy, you limit yourself to safe or comfortable options rather than stepping outside your comfort zone to try something new or challenging.


Hanging out in your comfort zone and surrounding yourself with the familiar feels like the best place to be.


It is termed the "comfort" zone for a reason – when you let yourself stick to the expected and easy, you never face any adversity, challenge, or strange territory. You never have to fear surprises or discomfort when choosing the easy route in life.


However, hiding behind what is easy offers minimal chances to learn new things and grow. Your comfort zone is a place of homeostasis – not much changes, and things tend to stay the same there. If everything always stays the same in your life, you are not learning new things or developing as a person.


This is why your comfort zone is such an easy place to hide.


When you surround you...

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How To Make A Digital Vision Journal

life coaching Jan 30, 2020

It is time to put 2019 behind us and forge ahead to the New Year! 

Are you ready? Do you know what you would like to achieve in the new year? Are you feeling confident in where you are at? Could you use a little "helper"?. 

If you are looking to achieve something big or small this coming year, whether it be an audacious goal or just creating some new habits, a vision journal will help!


I am certain you have heard of a vision board. That is a collection of photos from magazines and Pinterest, inspirational quotes and affirmations, photographs of your dream house (or your dream horse), and so forth that you put on a bulletin board or presentation board.

It is a visual collection of your feelings, thoughts, and ideas. This vision is very personal, so each woman receives precisely what she needs through this process. Usually, you place this on a wall, always visible from your desk.


Experts reveal that the subconscious mind works like a hard drive. Even when goals appear out of

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Learn About Yourself And Better Relationships

life coaching Jan 23, 2020

Life Coach for Ladies is all about empowering women to improve personally and professionally through sound coaching and helpful resources.

I recognize and value the distinct, intrinsic worth of each woman as being a creation of a loving God who desires healthy relationships with Him and with each other. - Coach Sandra

People and relationships are so important in your life! Life Coach for Ladies uses DISC Personality analysis to help you learn about yourself and better relationships with others.

This will help you to grow and work together with others as you learn about your strengths and why understanding personality styles is the key to better communication.


But the trick is not simply found in the information. It is in the application of that information. We can all know something without actually using it. 

  • Know what your strengths are? You can find out by taking a quick personality assessment to reveal your traits that can be leveraged to be your best.
  • Are you l
  • ...
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This is the Time to Discover Your Dreams

life coaching Jan 16, 2020

Sometimes you feel like you have all the time in the world to realize your dreams. Yet there are daily reminders that our time on Earth is fleeting. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict how much time you have left, which is precisely why there is no time than now to make your dreams come true! 


Concentrate On The Positive

It is vital to start off with positive thoughts. As you think positively about yourself and your dreams, you will begin to believe that you can accomplish anything. These early positive emotions can lead to a dedicated drive and enthusiasm that will help build lasting momentum.

Remember that nearly everyone feels overwhelmed when you are about to embark on a long journey. That is exactly why it is easy to fall into negative thinking patterns, but you must combat those ideas. It can be tough to imagine that so much can be achieved simply by having positive thoughts, but it is real!

The truth is, when you imagine something as startling as "I could die tomorr...

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Reasons You Need to be Working with a Life Coach

life coaching Jan 09, 2020

Life Coaching helps a variety of women with nearly every type of goal or aspiration, whether professional or personal. Any woman can benefit from Life Coaching.

Why Life Coaching?

The point of Life Coaching is to create an action plan that helps you change your behavior in some area of your life.

What is more comfortable: Working toward your goals alone through trial and error, or seeking the guidance and direction of someone who has 'been there, done that, bought the t-shirt'?

The answer is clear. When you seek advice from someone who has been through it all before, you avoid making the same mistakes. You can spend your time and energy on what truly works. That is the power of a Life Coach’s help and expertise.

Think of yourself with a set plan and just the right advice. Life Coaching can cut months off the time it would have taken you to achieve your goals.

If you have never worked with a Life Coach before, you probably have some questions about how it actually works and how it...

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What is a Life Coach, and Do You Really Need One?

life coaching Jan 02, 2020

All athletes work with coaches. Lots of professionals and entrepreneurs work with mentors. They are really very similar. A life coach is precisely that - a coach for your life. Most women were not formally taught how to live successful lives. Life coaches help you to figure out what you would like to do with your life, set goals, and achieve them. They have experience assisting others to live fulfilling lives.

A life coach helps with many facets of life, including:

  • Achieving challenging goals
  • Career
  • Creating more free time
  • Finding your life's purpose
  • Following an exercise program
  • Love life
  • Making more money
  • Starting a business

Multifaceted roles of a life coach:

  1. Cheers you on - When someone is in your corner, life is more manageable. Someone is always on your side when you have a life coach. It is easier to chase after big goals when you know you have support.
  2. Keeps you going - A life coach also pushes you. They have seen clients attempt to avoid hard work and stre
  3. ...
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End of the year Life Coaching

life coaching Dec 26, 2019

I LOVE this time of year!

Women are all in full swing trying to finish this year STRONG (I hope!).

A lot of women are crushing it right now. I see a lot of momentum in our Life Coach for Ladies groups. It is amazing!

Many are discovering what is working, what is not, and where progress and momentum are happening in their lives (or not!).

With so little time left this year, women know that they need to be on their A-game.

That is why for me, as a high-performance coach, these next 3 months are like my Super Bowl...

Clients always reach out this time of year, and I love it. They need a ton of help, and I book outcome-focused sessions like nobody's business. I still spend a ton of time coaching 1-on-1 or group. I love it!


Coaching is about the client and a process that is proven to help them reach their potential faster. All coaching is ultimately about conversations of discovery, decisions, discipline, and direction. I help clients master that process to improve their lives and achieve...

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