External obstacles are no match for my fearless inner strength! Ā 

affirmations Mar 02, 2024

Proverbs 31:25 KJV – “Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.


I have the confidence and creativity to find solutions and act no matter what challenges hinder my path. My handy tools—affirmations, positive self-talk, and meditating on God’s Word—are like weapons that help me defeat any obstacle.


I use affirmations to help me build effective habits and attitudes. Good habits make good choices easy and automatic. Confidence and an optimistic attitude can get me through just about anything.


Using positive self-talk throughout my day boosts my confidence. Whenever I do something well, I congratulate myself. When I reach even the smallest goal, I celebrate my accomplishment. When I make a mistake, I remind myself that I am human, seek to learn from it, and move on, unaffected by the delay.


I ask myself how this challenge can help me when I encounter an obstacle. When I find a way to continue...

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I Know Ways to Easily Conquer My Challenges

affirmations Feb 03, 2024

The Bible offers valuable advice on goal setting. In Philippians 3:14, the apostle Paul states, " I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." This verse encourages us to keep our focus on the goal and strive toward it with God's assistance.


1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV – “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”


I vanquish all obstacles in my journey to happiness and fulfillment. I use the help of my friends and family to accomplish this, and I also rely on my God-given inner strength and courage to fight.


I create goals that help me overcome any challenge.

I use my talents and skills to plan strategies that destroy obstacles. I understand it takes several steps to eliminate a challenge. However, I can lean into the...

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Achieving Targeted Goals Is an Exciting Boost

affirmations Jan 13, 2024

As we embark on the journey of setting our goals, it is crucial to keep in mind the role of God. He is the ultimate source of guidance and inspiration, and His presence in our lives can help us make meaningful and purposeful goals.


Clear goals can help us to be more effective in our good works. When we know what we are working towards, we can concentrate our efforts and ensure we align with God's will. Furthermore, clear goals allow us to measure our progress and see how far we have come.


This can motivate us and encourage us to keep going even when we face challenges. When we seek His wisdom and acknowledge His existence in our goal-setting, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and opportunities that align with His desires for us.


With God as our guide, we can navigate through life's challenges and obstacles and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. Remember, God can only make our paths straight if we are willing to walk on...

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Feed Your Mind With The Truth To Stay Motivated

The Bible is filled with profound teachings and principles that can help women understand and harness the power of motivation through a Truth Mindset. Setting and meeting goals can help you create rhythms of discipline in your life. With its timeless wisdom, the Bible offers many insights that can inspire and guide us toward achieving our goals and aspirations.


Whether through stories of perseverance and determination or the wisdom of ancient proverbs and sayings, the Bible can provide valuable lessons on what motivates us and how we can use that motivation to succeed in various aspects of our lives.


When we become Christ-followers, we have a new lens through which to view all our actions. That lens asks us to examine what is in our hearts, not just what is visible on the outside. Motivational Bible verses remind us that we have the inner strength to persevere through difficulties. They emphasize the idea that with God's help, we can overcome obstacles, which builds...

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Affirmation: I Overcome my Divorce with Grace

affirmations Jun 25, 2022

Today's affirmation is a little bit different. I have a request from one of my wonderful Women of Worth. She is struggling with her divorce. I hope this will help her to think about grace and living her life to the fullest.


Divorce is an accepted fact of life in modern culture. But for many Christian women in broken marriages, it presents a moral dilemma. Does she stay in an unhealthy, perhaps even harmful marriage for the sake of her vow and covenant? Or does she act against her beliefs and seek a divorce?


Jesus illustrated the relationship between husband and wife this way in Matthew 19:6 KJV: Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.


However, there are Biblical reasons for divorce.


Matthew 19:8,9

8 He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put...

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Affirmation: I expect 100% effort, 100% of the time

affirmations Jun 18, 2022

 I am the only person who knows myself as well as I do (besides Jesus). Daily I amaze myself with how much of an impact I can have on my life and the lives of others when I put forth a maximum effort.


I know my limits. I also know when I have lost hope and have stopped believing in myself. I demand that I move past any negativity and make an effort to push forward with positivity.


I can push myself beyond any previous limits to make positive gains in my mind, body, and soul.


I deserve only 100% effort out of myself and those around me.


I respect myself enough to be a constant reminder of where I have been and where I want to go. I know what to expect. I am excited to learn how far I can go if I use my internal motivation.


I am successful when I try my best and believe in myself. I am strong because of my past, and my future is bright now that I am motivated to remain focused.


I am happier, healthier, and exude confidence when I make a...

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Affirmation: I rise above distractions by focusing deliberately

affirmations Jun 11, 2022

 I eliminate distractions from my environment by creating a workspace favorable to productivity.


I keep electronic devices off and out of my reach when I need to focus on a task. If I need to work on an electronic device, I exit all games and applications that could potentially tempt me. By removing temptations from my sight, I increase my ability to focus.


At times, though, my surroundings are out of my control. At those times, I reach within my mind and find the strength to focus through willpower. I know the importance of my work. Therefore I value my time spent working.


My will to succeed is stronger than the lure of temptation. By thinking logically, I reveal to myself the truth behind temptation. There is no distraction worth deviating from my goals.


The temporary fulfillment of giving in to a distraction is counterfeit compared to the satisfaction of completing a task—my ability to focus lies on my determination, not on my environment.


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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: My best is good enough

affirmations Jun 04, 2022

My personal best is good enough in all situations. Passion is what is necessary for me to be successful. I am pleased when I give my all because my best is all I have to offer.


I cease to compare myself to others because there will always be someone more talented than me in some area. Yet, the strength to succeed is within me. I am equipped with everything I need to accomplish my purpose in life.


I can cheer for those who are better than me at something with genuine authenticity. My self-esteem is impenetrable by feelings of inadequacy.


I say no to demanding more from myself than what I can give. Even though I push myself beyond my expectations, I also know my limitations. I respect myself enough to accept my flaws.


My loved ones are a foundation of support; they love me for who I am. I rid myself of the company of people who cannot be satisfied. A healthy mindset is worth more than the appreciation of toxic individuals.


Whatever happened in my...

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Personal Reflection Exercises/Affirmation: Self-motivation helps me accomplish goals

affirmations May 28, 2022

 Setting goals helps me stay on track. Every day, I recommit to working on my goals. I am self-motivated and do what is required to maintain my drive.


Accomplishing goals gives me pleasure. I feel the same amount of satisfaction when I complete any big or small goal. I consider all I am responsible for to be necessary.


Whenever I have a task in front of me, I consider it vital. I avoid minimizing the importance of any job, even if it seems trivial to me. I know these tasks are essential to someone.


If I face disappointment, I do not allow it to take hold of me. I permit myself a brief time to deal with the frustration; then, I move on.


My positive mindset lets me refuel and carry on with tremendous enthusiasm.


I am unrelenting and ready to start from the beginning as many times as needed. I welcome the opportunity to do something well the next time. There are few outcomes that I consider to be failures.


Whenever I need encouragement, I...

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Affirmation: I see myself crossing the finish line victoriously

affirmations May 14, 2022

I know that I am a winner! I am sure of my success because I use effective strategies and tools to keep me motivated, pursuing my goals until I claim my victory.


I set my goals and create action plans that set me up for success every time. I divide my goals into achievable tasks and then accomplish each task, one by one, through to the end.


If I need to invest time or money into preparing myself for my tasks, I do it happily, knowing that these preparations propel me toward the life of my dreams.


I make my goals a priority in my life and incorporate time in my schedule every single day to work on the things that lead me to victory. Knowing that each day puts me one step closer to reaching my goals brings me the motivation to forge ahead.


Failure is not an option! Sometimes, there will be blocks in the road, but I actively seek solutions that can get me past them. I overcome my challenges and get right back on my success track.


If I feel an inkling...

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