Prayer is Powerful when you are living with Lupus

health May 31, 2021

What is lupus?

Lupus is a chronic (long-term) disease that can cause inflammation and pain in any body part. It is an autoimmune disease, which means that your immune system—the body system that usually fights infections—attacks healthy tissue instead.


Lupus most commonly affects your: 

Because lupus affects many body parts, it can cause many different symptoms.


Who is at risk for lupus?

Lupus can affect anyone, but it is important to note that women are most likely to be affected by it. However, men and children can also be affected. This understanding can help women feel less isolated in their struggle with lupus.


Those with the highest risk for developing lupus are:


According to the Centers for Disease...

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Faith, Lupus, and Women’s Health: From A Christian Perspective

health May 24, 2021


Lupus and Women’s Health: A Christian Perspective

Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, presents unique challenges for Christian women. It causes pain, fatigue, and inflammation throughout the body, making it an “invisible illness.”  Living with lupus can be a daunting journey, both physically and emotionally, especially when viewed through the lens of faith.



Lupus can be hard to diagnose since its symptoms are often mistaken for symptoms of other diseases.

A rheumatologist can diagnose lupus.

  • A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in painful conditions affecting the body's joints, muscles, or connective tissues, such as lupus.

There is no one test for lupus. But your doctor will most likely:

  • Discuss your symptoms.
  • Do physical exams.
  • Take X-rays.
  • Run lab tests.


How is lupus managed?

There is a lot that women can do to manage lupus.


Women with lupus can have a typical lifespan and a high quality of life. They can...

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Fundamentals of the Invisible Disease: Lupus

health May 17, 2021

What it is

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), often just called lupus, is:

  • An autoimmune disease. This means the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its healthy cells and tissues, leading to inflammation and damage in organs or systems.
  • A long-term (chronic) disease that affects many different parts of the body.

There are many signs and symptoms of lupus.

  • This can make it hard for doctors to diagnose.
  • Symptoms can range from mild to life-threatening.

There is no cure for lupus, but it can be treated.

  • The earlier you can diagnose lupus, the better you can treat and manage it.


Types of Lupus

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the most common form of lupus. It can affect a person's joints, skin, brain, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels. This form of lupus is more likely to occur in people from racial and ethnic minority groups than in non-Hispanic White people.
  • Cutaneous lupus is a skin disease that affects people with or without SLE in the form of a rash or...
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Honoring Lupus Awareness Day: A Strong Message Of Faith And Hope

health May 10, 2021

Each year on May 10, the world comes together to recognize Lupus Awareness Day, shedding light on the struggles and remarkable resilience of those with lupus. For many women, lupus is a daily challenge, affecting their health, energy, and ability to engage in life as they once did. As Christians, our hope is in God’s promises, even in the face of chronic illness. On this day of awareness and support, we lean into the strength and peace in the Word of God, encouraging those walking through the lupus trials.

What Is Lupus?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own healthy tissues, leading to inflammation, pain, and damage to various organs. It predominantly affects women and can cause fatigue, joint pain, skin rashes, and, in more severe cases, organ complications. Living with lupus requires daily management, perseverance, and great inner strength.


As we acknowledge the realities of lupus, we must also reflect on the...

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Spotlight: Keeping Lupus Fresh on the Mind

health May 03, 2021

May is Lupus Awareness Month

It is a time when we rally together to shine a spotlight on this often misunderstood and invisible disease. Let’s dive into what Lupus Awareness Month is about and how you can get involved!

  1. What Is Lupus Awareness Month?

    • Lupus Awareness Month, observed throughout May in the United States, is a dedicated time to increase understanding and knowledge about lupus, an autoimmune disease. This month, various events, campaigns, and initiatives are organized to educate communities, dispel myths, and advocate for individuals impacted by lupus. The goal is to raise awareness about the symptoms, treatments, and challenges of living with lupus and to promote support and research efforts to improve the lives of those affected by this complex and often misunderstood condition.
    • Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can impact various organs and systems in the body. While its symptoms are not always visible outside, they can wreak havoc internally,...
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Spotlight on the danger of abuse

health Apr 19, 2021

It may sound strange, but people who have lived with abuse for many years may not even realize that they are being abused.

If you have grown up in a family where abuse occurs almost every day, you may think that hitting, pushing, or constant yelling are normal ways to treat the members of your family and other people.

Every family has arguments, but when yelling goes too far or lasts too long or when disagreements turn physical, that is abuse, and abuse is not normal or healthy.


National Crime Victims' Rights Week is April 18-24, 2021


If you have been hurt—physically, sexually, emotionally, or due to neglect—you are a victim of abuse.


Abuse and neglect can affect the way you view yourself and the rest of the world.

You might—

Feel afraid, anxious, angry, confused, or sad.
Fear being hurt again.
Have trouble sleeping, eating, and concentrating.
Skip school or not do well in school.
Have lots of headaches or stomachaches.
Use drugs or alcohol.

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How To Reclaim A Sense Of Belonging Through Kindness

health Feb 24, 2021

It is common to want to have a sense of belonging. When women belong, we are established as part of the group. That sense of belonging is a normal human need, just as food and shelter. If you feel like you belong, you feel your life has value. And you cope with your emotions better.

Sometimes, we lose our sense of belonging, though. This can be for a myriad of reasons. Traumatic events could influence a person’s self-compassion and self-esteem. Trauma can leave survivors out of sync with the world. They feel lonely, overwhelmed, in turmoil, and have emotional pain that creates a different sense of anxiety.

Humans are social beings. The quality of our relationships is affected by our emotional, mental, and physical health. Researcher and author Brené Brown says, “A deep sense of love and belonging is a fundamental requirement of all men, women, and children. Biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually we are wired to love, to be loved, and to...

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Do You Want Results From Your Health Resolutions?

health Feb 02, 2021

I can hardly believe we are already a month into 2021. Did you struggle in 2020? Has the first part of this year been a struggle? I want to openly admit that I did not have an easy year myself. I had such plans for 2020. But, it was such a struggle to 'get by' at times – seemingly for the whole world. Our struggles are not always a bad thing. It just means we have the opportunity for growth.


I reenforced one of my big life lessons this past year: you MUST keep showing up even when you do not want to, or when you are struggling. Keep writing down your goals, planning out your financials, meal prepping, taking care of yourself, and believing! Write out your daily to-do lists that align with your goals and create action behind them. 


Was health or wellness on your list of 2021 resolutions? Well, here we are a month into the year, and I know that the initial excitement of resolutions fades. Being successful and making a change does require...

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High cost of alcohol abuse really far‐reaching

health Dec 28, 2020

The High Price of Excessive Alcohol Consumption


While most people know that drinking too much alcohol can lead to injuries and deaths in car crashes, many people do not know that drinking too much alcohol also can increase the chances of cancer, suicide, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and other negative health outcomes.


Consult your personal health care provider if you feel you or someone you know has a drinking problem. Other resources include the National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service, available at 1-800-662-HELP. This service can provide you with information about treatment programs in your local community and allow you to speak with someone about alcohol problems.


What is excessive drinking?

Excessive drinking includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, and any drinking by pregnant women or people younger than age 21.

Excessive alcohol consumption is known to cause about 79,000 deaths in the U.S. each year,...

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You Need to Sleep to Be Healthy

health Dec 21, 2020

Sleep Is Important to Help Your Body Fight Colds and Flu This Season


Sleep, can you recall a time in your life when you did not get enough? 

For many of us, this happens from time to time. We are staying up late to study for finals in school. Or how about those many sleepless nights after welcoming a newborn. Or maybe you suffer from the occasional bout of insomnia. Think back on one of those times. Chances are that those were also times when you were more likely to catch a cold or come down with the flu or a stomach bug.

On the flip side, making sure you get plenty of quality sleep can serve as a sort of insurance policy.

It strengthens your immune system and helps your body fight off any type of infection or treat that comes its way. In addition, your body will be able to heal itself faster should you come down with something if you get plenty of rest. That is why your doctor often orders plenty of rest and fluids when you have a cold.


But why exactly is sleep...

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