3 Practical Tips for Living Your Best Year

life coaching Dec 30, 2021

Can you believe that we are at the end of 2021? I am sure I feel like most when I say that it does not even feel possible that we are already done with 2021 because it seems like yesterday was 2019, and then 2020 lasted for years. But even still, this is typically the time we set aside to claim the New Year as our year to do "ABC"!

We make our list of resolutions and promises to hit it hard on January 1st. But then what usually happens is we get overwhelmed, burnt out, and give up before February 1st. As someone that has been setting goals for a very long time, I wanted to share with you my process of setting goals and achieving those goals.

But I also want you to know that there are many goals that I end up not completing in a year, as well as there are many goals that I end up realizing halfway through the year are no longer relevant goals - and that's 100% okay. It is okay to recognize that a goal you set is no longer realistic for your current situation or is just simply not a...

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Focus on Good this Thanksgiving

life coaching Nov 25, 2021

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.” – Psalm 100:1-5 KJV


It is easy to get focused on what you do not like or what is not working in your life.  If you are not careful, that is all you think about. Our future continues to be unclear as we move into our second Thanksgiving of the ‘COVID-19 pandemic’. But, God joins us in our pain and disappointments. So, there has never been a more important time to exercise gratitude and enjoy the simple moments in life.


Even during our...

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Flexibility Will Make You Successful

life coaching Jan 07, 2021

Have you heard the phrase: “Going with the flow.” It signifies allowing yourself to drift from one situation to another without rhythm or purpose.

That is the absolute opposite of being goal-oriented.

But, a little fluidity can make things work effectively. As you set goals, you want to be flexible and accommodate life changes while having your eyes on your prize.


Every woman has her meaning of success in the same way that everyone has unique dreams for their life. It is not sufficient to identify what prize you are targeting. Ingenuity is key to productive goal setting. Allow yourself to dream, explore, and visualize options.

Whether personal, career, or business, success depends on achieving meaningful goals. There can be countless different ways to cross a river, but you will find only a few, maybe even just one, suited to you. “Going with the flow” involves letting yourself go through flexible thinking and always looking around for the one method...

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Cheers to New Beginnings and Yes, Final Endings

life coaching Dec 31, 2020

New Beginnings and Final Endings

The opening of each New Year is a time for women to consider the year just past, and create goals for the future. New Years holds a special magic, with a promise of new opportunities and the possibility to change our lives for the better. Unlock your full potential and live your best life - Life Coaching can help!

There must be endings to create new beginnings. An old year ends, and a New Year begins, full of promises of change and new experiences. Mitch Albom, author of “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” wrote: “All endings are also beginnings. We don’t know it at the time.”

It is an excellent way to consider endings in our lives. Certain endings, such as the death of a loved one, will leave you heartbroken. But if you can think of it as the entire host of good memories and ultimately go with what the new beginnings have in store, you will live a happier and more fulfilled life.

A Life Coach...

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4 Simple Ways To Transform Your Year (and Your Life)

life coaching Dec 24, 2020

At times, making changes, you would like to see in life feels virtually impossible. It requires motivation to step out of your comfort zone and make significant changes to transform your life.

Nearly every year, we watch some version of A Christmas Carol. Chances are you have too.


There is an absolute joy in watching Ebenezer Scrooge see the error in his ways and make amends at the movie's end.


Those he had wronged in life showed grace and class by forgiving him in the end.


The story follows Scrooge on three adventures of self-exploration, with the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.


What he learns in each place is something we can all use.


If you want to start next year out right, these shifts can be your start to a happier, healthier life.

  1. Listen to Your Intuition—Women like to think of life as linear and rational. But more often than not, women make blind decisions based on what they see at the time. But what if you started...
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Build a Success Plan for the Year Ahead, Now

life coaching Dec 17, 2020

I think we are all excited for a new year, a 'fresh start', and the chance to embrace new possibilities!

Let's be honest... the past year was surreal.
To say the least.

For some... times have been harsh.

For others... opportunities have presented themselves that were a total fantastic surprise.

For all of us... there is a shift coming in 2021.

2021 will be a year separating those who are all in from those who continue to sit on the sidelines.

Are you ready for 2021?

A year that determines who is in it to win it and who is still deciding whether or not they want to play.

You have got to make the shift if you are going all in.

You have got to DECIDE NOW that you will be playing to win.

Whatever winning means to you.

Let's go all-in... in a way that feels amazing and gives us more JOY.

If you are like me, this last few days before the start of the new year is a frenzy of activity - a period of trying to get ready for the year ahead so that I can step into January feeling fresh...

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Goal-setting A Challenge? The Reason Why Is Your Style

life coaching Dec 10, 2020

I bet your end-of-year inbox is full of goal-setting ideas for the New Year. Many are feel-good, rah-rah types of messages which are fun to read but about as helpful as the endless "inspirational" infographics that flood your social media feeds. 

And many are so generic. They are probably from mainstream magazines—the sort that makes you frustrated with your life while you are reading articles showcasing the perfect décor of some generic millionaire and his perfect trophy wife.


Goals that are the most exciting to set usually have two golden qualities: They are achievable but stretch you beyond your comfort zone. And they must align with your most important principles.

They also present you with one priceless benefit: Each goal advances you a step further towards attaining your dream lifestyle and business.


So why do most women struggle at goal-setting and goal-keeping?

The answer lies in your personality…

When setting goals, there are three...

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4 Powerful Benefits of the Mini-habit

life coaching Dec 03, 2020

If you have not heard of mini-habits, you are in for a treat. Imagine making only minor changes in your life and still managing to create impactful and meaningful change.


The mini-habit is just as it sounds like – it is the principle that doing many small things will ultimately lead to something amazing. Think, for instance, of what would happen if you only read a couple of news articles every day? Before you know it, you would have achieved the goal of becoming more knowledgeable and better able to carry out discussions about current events.


Mini-habits do not stop there, though. Not only can your mini-habit alter how you get things done, but they influence your mind and body as well. Read on to uncover the powerful benefits of a mini-habit.


  1. Mini-habits build an atmosphere of success. By setting small goals, you are much more prone to meet them. So instead of telling yourself that you will return every phone call promptly, you concentrate on timely...
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Think You Want To Be A Christian Life Coach?

life coaching Nov 19, 2020


  1. What is a Christian Life Coach?


Christian Life Coaches help people from a Biblical perspective as they seek to transform their lives to the glory of Christ. Many psychological transformation models fall short from a Biblical point of view. A Christian life coach is someone who helps others to overcome obstacles and to achieve their goals. To find freedom internally, clients must move away from the lies and dead-end thinking patterns they have believed. True transformation is by the Word of God. A Christian life coach is someone who helps others to understand the teachings of Christ and to apply them to their own lives. Christ is our source of hope, and His Word is the foundation and power of real change in our lives. A Christian life coach helps others to live a Christian life.


  1. How to live a Christian life

The root source of the Christian life is the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christ taught his followers to love one another, forgive one another, and turn...

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You'll Want Organizational Coaching in a Work-Life Balance

life coaching Nov 12, 2020

When setting goals, the Bible offers a unique perspective that is balanced and insightful. According to Biblical teachings, goal setting should be approached with planning, wisdom, and humility. This means that while it is important to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, it is equally important to acknowledge your limitations and seek guidance from God as you make your plans.

Organizational coaching is a highly valuable tool that women can utilize to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

It involves working with a coach who provides guidance, support, and feedback to help women achieve Christ-centered goals and improve their overall well-being. Women can experience several benefits that contribute to their success and happiness by working with a coach.


Firstly, organizational coaching can help women identify and prioritize their personal and professional goals.

This can help them focus on what truly matters to them and create a plan of action to achieve their...

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