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The 5 Best Ways to Rewrite
Your Relationship with Yourself

Written by Sandra Krug

This eBook is one of Sandra Krug's most popular publications available as a free download.

  • Recognize your emotions and feelings
  • Develop self-compassion 
  • Understand effective coping techniques
  • Find your passion 
  • Set your goals
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7.

What Ladies Are Saying*:

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Opal M.

"I have tremendous feelings of peace and calm with a tangible sense that I am right where I should be. That annoying voice in my head kept telling me: 'You know you can do better than this!' was speaking the truth. In my head, I knew what to do before. I read a ton of personal growth books. But I was having difficulty in applying it by myself. Then I found Coach Sandra. I readily completed the weekly assignments and participated in the weekly conference calls. I began to experience new accomplishments. Her books and companion online programs put all the pieces together for me, finally. I went from doing the things because I believed I needed to do it in a very rushed and disconnected but driven way to being the person I always wanted to be but didn't think I could."


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Paula O.

"I can't thank Coach Sandra enough for the fantastic insight, support, reassurance, and her confidence in me!

A particular activity stands out as my turning point.

There is an activity called the 'Not So' Frivolous Frustration File.

You list all the little things that bother you – and then you are challenged to take care of them all.

That's all! Really simple.

But I still clearly remember when I did that, because my whole world changed that day.

Coach Sandra has high-quality programs at very affordable prices.

They have been priceless to me."


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Christine S.

"When I started with Coach Sandra, I did not know anything about life coaching.

I went to a counselor some time back. The counseling was very useful to help me understand why I do the things I do.

Something was still missing for me.

I just felt stuck despite my having that understanding.

My experience with Coach Sandra was nothing short of illuminating.

The life coaching made it easier for me to work out exactly what it is I want and set me along the transformational track with consistent action steps."



*Note: Life Coaching results will vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as typical.

Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."