The Bible is the perfect and inspired Word of God. It is our source of all correction, doctrine, and instruction. It provides practical guidance for every-day life.

1 Peter 4:10 “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

Here at the Christian Coaches' Coach, we believe that each of us has been given gifts from God. There is no greater fulfillment than to serve God and people with the gifts He has given you. We want everyone to be part of the blessing of serving family, friends, community, and God.

Christian Coach-Mentoring has a sound scriptural basis and is a call of God on a woman's life to impact others around her positively. Much of the ministry of Jesus and the early church involved aspects of coaching. As a Coach-Mentor, you coach, mentor, train, disciple, and guide others. 

Ladies, Is God calling you to Coach-Mentoring in this season? 

Coach-mentoring is both a business and a ministry. It is a way of helping others find God's vision for their lives and learn to live accordingly. The Christian Coaches' Coach will equip Christian women with trainings and tools to build a strong foundation for a successful faith-based coach-mentoring ministry and business. Coaches are Leaders. Become part of a community of like-minded female coaches and ministry leaders who are dedicated to the Lord and fulfilling their God-given calling. You will learn how to be an effective Coach-Mentor by following the example of the Lord Jesus as the Great Life coach.


"Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established." - Proverbs 15:22 KJV

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Did you know that a case study on women leaders who participated in coaching shows that leadership coaching can improve: self-awareness, self-confidence, self-leadership, leadership style, as well as their relationship to power, conflict, and personal life. (International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring


And a meta-analysis of 18 studies of coaching in organizational settings showed that coaching has a relatively large effect on clients’ coping capacities and resilience, subjective well-being, attitudes, performance, and goal-attainment. (The Journal of Positive Psychology)


Coaching is about transformation and taking an individual from where they are to where they desire to be in their personal or professional life. If you have felt the call to serve others through Christian Coach-Mentoring, now is time to act.



Coach-Mentoring is an effective means of enhancing the Kingdom of God and helping the people of God live the abundant life that Jesus made available.

I love helping women to make a meaningful impact by serving from their hearts. Coach-Mentoring is one of the clearest forms of servant leadership. Learn the formula for building your Coach-Mentoring ministry and business. Use it to: 

  • Easily communicate exactly how you serve others.
  • Create a simple structure and focus for your Coach-Mentoring ministry and business. 
  • Get better results for yourself, your family, friends, and clients.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

This comprehensive course aims to help you develop a deeper understanding of your role as a Coach-Mentor and your natural talent for guiding others. It emphasizes the importance of authenticity and emotional intelligence in working with people. Additionally, the course delves into a range of relevant topics, including current coaching trends, strategies for managing stress and burnout, and tips for building a thriving Coach-Mentoring ministry and/or buisness.


For Christian Coach-Mentors, God is at the core of their beings. He is the guide for all coaching work. What has God asked you to do right now?  Are you being obedient to it? Are you ready to step into your greatness and coach-mentor others in a heartfelt and meaningful way?


The Lord has a specific ministry in mind for you. Do not allow your preconceived notions of what the ministry should look like to override His plan. Ask the Lord to open your spiritual eyes to see the opportunities He will place in your path and to give you the grace to accept them.


This course provides an in-depth exploration of the fundamental components of Christian Coach-Mentoring. It delves into the principles of faith and how they can be integrated into effective coaching practices, particularly using biblical knowledge.


In The Next 38 Weeks,

You will discover how to…

  • Develop core skills that aid in creating a conducive setting for Christian Coach-Mentoring.

  • Foster meaningful Coach-Mentoring relationships with clients that bring about transformation.  

  • Encourage clients to pursue their personal and professional goals.

  • Acquire the essential skills required for life Coach-Mentoring.

  • Establish effective communication techniques to use with your clients.

  • Build healthy and effective professional relationships as a Christian Coach-Mentor.

  • Overcome potential challenges essential for achieving success.

We all seek to become aware of our passions, life purposes, inner strengths, and visions for the future.

Christians know that these are God-given and that we find ultimate fulfillment when we live in accordance with God's plan.

As a Coach-Mentor, you will learn the fundamentals of how to encourage, direct, train and guide your coaching clients by helping them to get from where they are (point A) to where they want to be (point B). 


Roadmap to Christian Coach-Mentoring:


38 Week Course


Welcome to your Christian Coach-Mentoring ministry and business, Ladies!
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Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Christian Entrepreneurial Future?

This 38-week Roadmap will teach you everything you need to know to get started and build spirit-filled Coach-Mentoring you can be proud of. You will learn to depend on the Lord in your coaching practice or ministry. You will learn how to apply your Coach-Mentoring skills and niche within your church, workplace, ministry or business.

You will learn how to:

  • Discover your personality traits so you can fully utilize your unique style, flow and spiritual gifts as a Coach-Mentor. 
  • Bring your gifts forward into sellable services and products your clients will be grateful for.
  • Uncover your God-given talents and provide you with the education and insight you need to effectively share your gifts as a Coach-Mentor.
  • Create lasting transformation within yourself and the life of your clients.


What Is Included In The Masterclass...


This course will lay a foundation to Christian Coach-Mentoring, by teaching you the fundamentals to being a Life Coach. 

The benefits of having a signature system

Stand out in your niche and achieve significant, long-term business growth. Analyze how you currently achieve success in one aspect of life, and turn this success into a system that will help others. Design Your Signature System:

  • Unique
  • Easy to follow
  • Step-by-step 

You will finish this course with a complete picture of what makes up your Signature System. The unique value proposition of your signature system will differentiate you from the competition.



You will learn the skills of listening, using effective language, how to prepare your coaching sessions and more importantly how to help your coaching clients identify their life’s purposes.

Identify Your Target Market

Your ideal target customers are the people who will be the best fit for your signature system, because they will be able to fully benefit from implementing it.   In this module, you will learn:

  • How to assess the suitability of your system for your current target market
  • How to explore additional markets for your new signature system.
  • How to market in a way that attracts buyers.

People love signature systems because they are led by the hand through a proven process that is easy to follow and remember.


Package Your Signature System to Sell

Package it into a fully-fledged program to help their clients and customers implement it. In this module, you will learn:

  • Develop the program support materials your customers will need to successfully implement the signature system
  • Decide on a price for the main offer, so that it reflects the value of the signature program and enables you to meet your revenue goals.
  • Develop different levels or versions of the signature system, so that you leverage it for maximum value.

You will design a program that packages your system so that people can easily learn how to implement it and get the best results possible.



Valuable tools are presented to help assess and develop an organized blueprint for desired change.


Being a Christian Coach-Mentor is not for everyone.


Ladies, if you believe that God is calling you into the coaching ministry, you can be sure that He will be faithful to open the doors and make a way for you to serve Him. He will continue to give you clear guidance as you walk in obedience to Him. All He asks you to do is obey His instructions moment-by-moment and day-by-day. As you continue to follow, He will continue to lead.


This Masterclass Is For You If...

  • You are called to help others achieve personal, spiritual, physical, and overall well-being-related goals. 
  • You can serve as a champion, cheerleader, sounding board, partner, co-designer, and change catalyst, helping to propel others into their God-given destinies.
  • You proudly and unapologetically want to be a Kingdom-minded entrepreneur.
  • You dream of helping others make healthy changes in their lives that are more in line with God’s will.
  • You are excited to start using practical Christ-centered, Spirit-filled coaching principles.    


Hi, I am Sandra Krug

I am a Board Certified Coach, Master Christian Life Coach, and Certified and Licensed Ziglar Coach.


Do you feel the call to inspire, motivate, and guide others to their full potential?

Helping women to grow personally and professionally is an honor.

Using my life experiences and education, I have created successful coaching businesses. 

  • We are called to "encourage one another and build each other up" in I Thessalonians 5:11. 
  • We are called to "carry each other’s burdens" in Galatians 6:2.

That is what I do as a Christian Coach-Mentor.

It is a great feeling to be part of something so transformative.

Let me help you begin your journey of service as a faith-centered Coach-Mentor. It is a way to help others find God's vision for their lives and learn to live accordingly.

Why take this course?

You will receive clarity and strategy to make an impact by leveraging the virtual/online platform to share your gifts and transform the lives of your clients. Christian Coach-Mentors help others build spiritual disciplines into their lives and live in harmony with their core values. I am passionate about strengthening your relationship with the Lord and helping you fulfill your God-given calling.


Are you ready to rise to the call? 

Ask the Lord for clarity on if, how, and when to proceed. God will clearly tell you whether now is the time for you to move forward in this assignment or if you should wait for a different season in your life. If the Lord calls you to do something, He will equip you with the necessary tools to do it, allowing you to keep your priorities straight. It must always be a prayerful, day-by-day process of relying solely on the Lord to keep everything balanced and orderly.


If this is the time, give back to God the gifts He has given you. 

Answer the call!


Individuals who possess a knowledge of Coaching principles and techniques but seek to enhance their ability to seamlessly integrate biblical teachings and values into their coaching practice are also encouraged to enroll in this training program. Here, you will acquire the skills necessary to infuse faith-based perspectives and scriptural wisdom into your coaching approach, fostering positive transformation through a Christ-centered lens. Furthermore, this training will equip you with a deeper understanding of character development and the unique qualities that define a Christ-centered Coach-Mentor.



Christian Coach-Mentoring Roadmap for Women:

The kick start to your Christian Coach-Mentoring ministry and business!




Next cohort begins:

February 2025

Payment Plan


2 monthly payments = $5250 total payment


Pay In Full


Save $500!


General Disclaimer Information

The information, resources, and products contained in the Life Coach for Ladies (LC4L) and/or The Christian Coaches' Coach (TCCC) electronic, spoken, written, live or recorded Books, Coaching, eBooks, Planners, Reports, Training Videos, Workbooks, and accompanying text, verbiage, or language, and any and all materials are general in nature and are not intended to provide or be a substitute for advice, consultation, or treatment with a duly licensed financial advisor, legal advisor, or mental health practitioner.  Alert: Given the sensitive nature of many of the topics and issues that LC4L and TCCC address, individuals should be aware of potential emotional and/or psychological reactions that may arise due to current or past traumatic experiences, and therefore take appropriate precautions to safeguard one’s overall well-being. This information, resources, and products are intended to provide practical faith-based guidelines and biblical principles for balanced living and are not a replacement for medical advice. Professional services should be pursued whenever necessary and/or appropriate. LC4L and TCCC and all trainings are resources of Krug Enterprises of Manatee, LLC (KEM) intended to provide practical, faith-based guidelines for balanced living and are not a replacement for financial, legal, or medical advice. As such, consumers, participants, facilitators, supervisors, and trainees should seek professional services whenever necessary and/or appropriate. By utilizing any materials, all parties acknowledge that KEM is not entering into or providing direct, clinically oriented mental health treatment or therapy and that the training process and/or experience does not create a therapeutic relationship between any party and KEM. All parties also agree to indemnify and hold KEM, its licensees, affiliates, and assigns, and the officers, agents, and employees of KEM, and its licensees, affiliates, and assigns, harmless from and against any and all loss, damages, costs, charges, legal fees, recoveries, judgments, penalties, and expenses, which may be obtained against, imposed upon, or suffered by KEM. Additionally, certain views and opinions expressed in resources may be those from sources other than KEM and do not necessarily represent the views of KEM, nor imply an endorsement by KEM. All rights are reserved worldwide, and no part of this resource may be reproduced in any form (print or electronic) without the expressed written permission of Krug Enterprises of Manatee, LLC.


The Christian Coaches' Coach exists as a Christian faith-based Coaching business consisting of tools, training, and community for women pursuing the call of Coaching.


I envision an online army of caring, competent, Christ-honoring women equipping others to impact the world through Christian Coaching and a Biblical worldview.


From a Biblical worldview, the Christian Coaches' Coach equips, motivates, and mobilizes daughters of the King to be caregiving leaders of the online space.