10 Easy Strategies to Skyrocket Self-Esteem

personal development Aug 25, 2020

Low self-esteem is a common challenge, regardless of age, background, or socioeconomic status.


We all know high self-esteem is good, but how does one develop it?


Many programs and books are designed to raise self-esteem but are still challenging. Try these top 10 tips to give your self-esteem the boost you seek.


Increase your self-esteem and feel great about yourself with these strategies:

  1. Get support from your greatest fan. You probably have a friend or family member who always finds a way to lift you when you feel down. Visit them and let them know you are struggling.


  1. Remember that low self-esteem is a symptom of detrimental thinking habits. Anything that was said or happened in the past is over. You can only keep those things alive with your thoughts. Uplift your thinking, and your self-esteem will begin to rise as well.


  1. Learn how to take compliments. Compliments are hard to take when your self-esteem is low. Ironically, that is when you need them the most. Smile and thank the other person for the compliment. Resist the urge to dismiss compliments you receive.


  1. You are much more interesting than the person you pretend to be. We develop the urge to conform in elementary school. But you are not like everyone else. You are unique. You will make more friends and have more influence if you are willing to be yourself.


  1. You have already accomplished amazing things. Learning to walk and talk are two of the most challenging things anyone has ever accomplished. Think about how long each takes to do well. They both require years of constant practice. Anything else you want to do with your life pales by comparison.


  1. You can learn social skills. Many people with low self-esteem struggle with relationships or social situations. You are not flawed; you are unaware of how to do it. Many children learn these skills while others do not. It is never too late.


  1. Other people are not thinking about you. It is hard to believe, but people are not talking behind your back or thinking negatively about you. Everyone else is wondering what you are thinking and saying.


  1. Be willing to say "No." Feeling bad about yourself is natural when you agree to do things you do not want. It is disrespectful to yourself. Give yourself the respect you deserve and refuse requests when you genuinely don't want to do them.


  1. Beware of social media. While social media can make it easy to stay in touch with others, understand that most of what you see is misleading. Few people are presenting their lives honestly. It is a place to showcase the high points of your life. Everyone has challenges, but you will rarely see them on social media.


  1. Develop your strengths. Are you a great dancer? Take a few dance classes. Are you a good writer? Take a writing course and develop your writing skills further. Run with your strengths and find ways to leverage them.


Imagine what your life would look like if you consistently enjoyed high self-esteem. Imagine how much more enjoyable life would be and how much more you could accomplish. The change in your life would be stunning.


Begin the journey of enhancing your opinion of yourself today. No one else will do it for you. You will be glad you did!

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