10-Minute Morning Routine to Be Starting Off Right

personal development Dec 15, 2020

What are the first thoughts crossing your mind when that alarm clock goes off first thing in the morning? Do you instantly hit that snooze button? Do you try to think of any possible way to keep yourself in your comfy warm bed? Do you just wonder how so many women are getting up early and getting things done? Life Coach for Ladies is here to help!


Many morning routines you find online take hours to complete—a physical activity for thirty minutes, multiple Morning Pages, or thirty minutes of meditating on God's word. Most women cannot come up with that kind of spare time in the morning.


But, in no more than ten minutes, you can establish a morning practice that will leave you in the proper mindset to conquer the day. Read below to discover some time-saving habits you can integrate into each morning.


Minute 1 – Drink Water

Start storing a bottle of water next to your bed. Prior to you even getting out of bed, drink the water. Your body is dehydrated following a long night of repairing itself, and you need replenishment. Drinking water will also help reduce the morning fog and grog that follows so many into their workday despite multiple cups of coffee.


Minutes 2-3 – Deep Breathing

Now that your body is rehydrated, take a couple of minutes to perform simple breathing maneuvers. This is as easy as timing the breaths to take six to ten deep breaths in one minute. Timing these breaths forces you to focus on your breathing and your body. It is helping you to wake up and calm yourself for your day.


Minutes 3-6 – Stretch your Body

Gentle stretching gets the blood flowing, and your body wakes up. This also helps to ease you into the progression of getting ready for the day ahead. Stretching has long-term benefits as well, including better circulation and flexibility overall.


Minutes 6-9 – Be Thankful

Stop a few minutes and reflect on what you are thankful for in your life. You do not need to jot this down or record it on your phone. Just take a few minutes to single out parts of your life you are thankful for and why. This puts a positive spin on your day and keeps you present through the difficult moments. Do not forget to thank God!


Minute 10 – Picture your Success

Visualizing the successes you desire to have through the day will cement them in your mind and help you grow to be extra self-confident. These can be successes for this day (a successful meeting) or long-term successes (completing a half marathon or saving the down payment on a house).


You might not have hours to dedicate to morning routines, but maybe you can spare ten minutes of your morning for starting on the right foot (or breath).

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