Better Choices Make You Better

personal development Nov 12, 2019

Women must make good choices for many reasons, including having a greater sense of self, increasing confidence, and learning from experiences. But, becoming a better decision-maker involves taking risks and knowing that not every decision will be the best one.


Making mistakes is not necessarily a negative thing. It gives you more confidence in your ability to make decisions in the future based on those experiences. But, examining choices helps women make well-rounded decisions and grow as decision-makers.


Make Better Choices


A successful way to embark on a self-improvement journey is to make better choices. Women sometimes make choices without realizing they are making decisions that will impact their lives for the long run.


Maybe you have a weak record of decisions when trying to take care of yourself, but that does not mean it cannot change in 2020. Begin by applying both emotion and logic when you make choices.


No matter what it is you would like to do, look at the pros and cons. But then also check in with yourself to see how you feel about it. When you have knots in your stomach, that can be a good sign of trouble with your choice.

That does not automatically indicate it is a wrong choice. It could just mean that you do not feel ready for that decision. So you have to tune in to what you are feeling and thinking each step of your transformational track.


Do not let popular opinion influence your choice. Just because something looks acceptable to the masses does not mean it is right for you. Make sure the decision lines up with your principles about yourself and life.

Do ask for feedback from those who will be directly affected by your decisions, as they will give you a perspective you may not have yet.


There are many emotions concerned with decision-making. When you are struggling with a decision, take a step away from it and return when your head feels clearer.

Too much emotion can cloud your judgment, causing you to make decisions you may not have if you were thinking more rationally. Removing yourself from the situation helps you refocus and look at the facts of what is in front of you.


Be sure to investigate decisions that cause short-term disorganization or discomfort but have long-term benefits. 

Consider the effects of your choice, both short and long-term. It is easy to decide on the fly, but knowing what will take place in the long run with that decision could sway your mind.


Goals should drive your daily to-do lists.


Base decisions on your goals and where you see a situation going in the long term. When women stay true to their values in decision-making, it is easier to see the path in front of them. And, staying true to your values gives you confidence and helps you accept your decisions even if they do not work out as you planned.


Here are tips to keep you on your transformational track to achieve goals. 

  • Check failures at the door: Did you fail at a goal? Let go of past missteps and see them as learning opportunities and part of your journey. Which is worse, to fail at trying or never try?
  • Create to-do lists daily: No brainer, right? Prioritize your list. Our planner allows you to create a top 3 to-do list every day to be mindful of your daily progress and set yourself up for success. 
  • Make healthy choices daily: Change is not always easy, but making health the primary concern and thoughtfully designing a schedule that includes exercise and healthy eating will transform your life. 
  • Plan to take breaks: Schedule short breaks throughout your day to maintain your focus and productivity level.  It is also essential to plan vacations now and then to get away from all the hustle and bustle and offer yourself a chance to recharge. 
  • Review financial goals monthly: Keep centered and on track. Add, change, and modify your plan as needed. Stay on your financial strategy, and you will make huge strides in your financial goals. Reward yourself as you achieve goals! Make time to revel in your accomplishments, no, matter how big or small!
  • Say no when necessary: If it doesn’t align with your goals, do not take it on. It is okay to say no. 
  • Share goals with someone: Have someone hold you accountable and push you when you don’t believe in yourself. 
  • Take time for organization: If your life has no organization, start simplifying and straightening! The organization will allow you to be more efficient and productive. 


It does not matter your financial situation, your marital status, or your stage in life. All women need to set goals for themselves to learn, grow, and better their lives. Without goals, we have nothing to strive for, dream about, or improve.

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