Release Your Perfectionism To Be More Successful

personal development Nov 11, 2019

If a woman has a perfectionist personality, she wants all tasks to be completed flawlessly. These types of high achievers suffer more stress than women who are not perfectionists. When it comes to time management, believe it or not, perfectionism works against you.


1. Know that it is all right not to do it all.

Forget multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is synonymous with doing several jobs poorly at one time. That is very frustrating to someone with perfectionist tendencies.

You do not have to carry out everything in one day. Instead, concentrate on what is right in front of you that has to the earliest deadline first. Get that done, and then move on with the next task.


2. Give everything you do a time limit.

Whether you are a perfectionist or not, this is a good rule of thumb for any woman looking for better time management. Open-ended tasks tend to pile up because there is no finish line.

If you look at the whole picture of what is left undone, it can feel overwhelming with your time. It s better to break the things you have to do down.

For example, if you have a project to complete by a specific deadline, you need to divide it by how long it will take to accomplish the work.

If the project takes 60 hours to finish and you have a three-week deadline, you know you must work 20 hours per week or 5 hours per day. And take into account interruptions and other obstacles that will get in the way.


3. Scheduling consecutive assignments is a no-no.

You need to stop, even if it is just a few minutes, so your mind can relax, and you can get away from tasks. Mental exhaustion is more tiresome than physical exhaustion.

Like your body, your brain cannot go full speed ahead on something without needing a time out every so often. Between the to-do list tasks, break and do something enjoyable – or do nothing at all.


4. Divide all of your tasks in your personal and professional life by hours, days, months, seasons, or years.

For example, if you know every fall gutters on your home fill from leaves that fell, you will want to put some time for leaf removal on your schedule.

If you know that there is a Christmas party at work every year and you need to bring something, put that on your calendar. Do you own a business that has seasonal items? You will want to schedule to distribute the products, press releases, or email newsletters ahead of time. You cannot wait until November to discuss December jobs.


5. Examine your to-do lists. You should have both home and office lists. Cut down both lists.

Most women end up with poor time management because their to-do list has too many items on it. That is because we all like to achieve things. Even the prospect of achieving things makes us feel good.

But women often set up tasks that they cannot accomplish because there is not enough time.  It is setting yourself up for failure. Whittle the list down, and if there is time left over, you will feel an advantage that you achieved something extra rather than failed to complete something imperative.

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