Affirmation: I Realize that Living a Positive Lifestyle is My Defense Against Anger

affirmations Mar 21, 2020

I strongly think that anger repels happiness. I cannot grasp living a happy, full life if it is also filled with anger.


From a logical standpoint, I think that happiness repels anger just as easily as rage repels contentment. So, I remove anger from my life by only living in a satisfying manner rich with joy.


According to the law of attraction, good attracts good, and bad attracts bad. The first step to deterring anger from my life is becoming an overall positive person. Daily, I move toward greater positivity.


If I feel anger creeping up, I take a minute and breathe quietly to gather my thoughts.


Negative reactions can lead to negative outcomes. Therefore I foster positive thoughts and tell myself I am above stooping to a level of negativity.


I encircle myself with positive people. I nurture relationships in my life. By promoting these relationships, I generate additional positivity in my life.


I also take time for myself. I indulge in comforting activities, such as meditating on God’s word, prayer, or even a spa day. These activities soothe the body but also ease the soul. Because I take care of myself in this way, I regularly experience serenity.


It is a simple formula, really: when I reach for happiness, I repel unhappiness and anger.


Today, I make it a point to seek serenity and contentment in all areas of my life. The little things truly can make a sizable difference. Daily, my efforts reward me with more peace and joy.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I tend to magnify situations?
  2. If so, is this because I am unable to deal with the situation emotionally?
  3. How can I seek serenity and happiness in all areas of my life?


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