Affirmation: I Know Seeing the Big Picture in My Mind Helps Me to be More Patient

affirmations Oct 31, 2020

Thinking about the big picture is a source of strength for me. It sustains my hope. Concentrating on the whole situation reminds me that every action, decision, and sacrifice I make today shapes my future.


Tedious parts of everyday living grow to be less trivial if I think about them in light of the big picture. When I consider my fundamental purpose, I am patient and begin to appreciate the seemingly insignificant happenings in my life.


Occasionally, I may grow weary because my dreams are not coming true in the way I hoped. Fear tries to make itself at home in my mind, but it cannot linger because I keep my eyes on the prize.


I focus on the goal so that I press on with endurance. I enjoy the peace that my best days remain ahead of me. Being patient is painless when I remember that life is about so much more than just the current situation I find myself in.


Each day is a speck in the grand scheme of things compared to the fulfillment and joy awaiting me. Setting life in perspective empowers me against burnout. I get renewed enthusiasm every day as I think of my role in the world.


Now, I work hard with a positive mindset, realizing that everything worth having takes effort. I put in the required labor to reach my dreams. I understand that what may feel like an agonizing sacrifice today will reap me showers of blessings tomorrow.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my bigger picture?
  2. What was the last difficult season I went through?
  3. How will I be more patient through this season?


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