Affirmation: I Have a Right to Say No to Others Without Feeling Guilty

affirmations Jan 25, 2020

My life is my own to live as I please. And my choices are mine to make. Therefore, friends and family members cannot pressure me into decisions they would like me to make.


I strive to be friendly and respectful to all people. However, I stand my ground when people become overly needy or start making demands of me.


Like everything else in my life, my time is my own. If I am not in the mood to frequently visit a family member or friend, so be it. My only actual obligation is to my immediate family; everyone else gets portions of the time I have accessible. They each get only the time I am willing to dedicate to them.


I make it a point always to respect the boundaries of others. I refrain from pushing, prying, or overextending my welcome. I would feel like a burden if I were to push myself onto others in such a manner. It is only fair that my friends and family respect my need to control my own time and decisions.


I have the capacity to say no to others without feeling guilty. This is because I am aware that it is my right to say no to someone without adverse repercussions.


Today, I honor the commitments I make. And I make only the commitments that I can participate in with goodwill. Also, I refuse to play along with something when I want instead not to take part.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Do I often feel others manipulate me to do as they want to get them off my back?


  1. When saying no to others, do I feel I should have done more to help?


  1. Do I make unrealistic requests from others?


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