Affirmation: I Know Life Is a Sequence of Opportunities to Live My Best Life

affirmations Sep 05, 2020

Each moment, each day is an opportunity to make the most of the time I am blessed with by my Heavenly Father. I believe life is a series of opportunities to be the best possible version of myself.


Opportunities to make today meaningful come all the time. I avoid taking them for granted because I do not know when those chances might run out. I commit to using them wisely.


My interactions with others are positive because I choose to use a smile as my introduction. A sincere smile makes the world a more joyful place.


Deciding to embrace a positive outlook is a great way to have a full and rewarding life. My satisfaction with life increases, and I live without regret.


When one moment is gone, I want to be able to look back and define it as a well-spent moment. That means working well with others and avoiding confrontation that troubles the soul.


A peaceful existence comes from having serenity at my core.


I commit to living in kindness and with a positive outlook on life. My valuable moments are worth spending with the people I love and doing things that make me happy. Gratitude and passion guide my steps, so they are fulfilling.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How is it easy for me to maintain a positive outlook?
  2. Do I know when an opportunity that presents itself is worth seizing?
  3. Do I pause to thank others for the blessings they add to my life?


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