Affirmation: I Think that There is Always a Reason to Smile

affirmations Aug 29, 2020

Within the noise and chaos of the world around me, I choose to see the positive side of life. I believe that there is always something to smile about if you look.


Being one with my thoughts allows me to reflect on my past experiences. If I take time to reflect, I recall intimate and memorable moments with my loved ones. Sometimes a kind gesture or a funny joke brings my heart so much joy.


Even when I am in the midst of a difficult situation, I can smile because I am alive. I feel grateful for the ability to work through challenges.


I smile at the bravery of little children learning to swim for the first time. Fear inhibits a lot of adults, so I look to the example of kids to motivate myself. Their model of free-living is enough to make my heart sing.


When I think back to my sense of fashion as a teenager, I smile with pride. It feels good always to embrace my individuality, regardless of what anyone else says.


When someone assumes they know me, I smile to myself because I know my complexity is positively challenging. There is joy in owning who I am and standing behind that at all times. I am a daughter of the King of kings.


Today, acceptance of who I am brings me immeasurable peace that radiates through my pores. I smile readily just because I am happy in my skin. Life is good.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my impact on others around me when I greet them with a smile?
  2. How do I keep myself from feeling down when I am going through difficulty?
  3. What are some of my biggest blessings?

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