Powerful Prayer Does Not Have To Be Complicated

spirituality Jan 26, 2020

In the New Testament, we received a challenge to include prayer in our everyday life. Praying does not have to be complicated. But, understanding how to pray is not always comfortable. 


Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us that we should not lean on our understanding but instead trust in the Lord with all our heart. 


The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13) is an elegant example of how to pray. Prayer is an invocation that seeks to connect with God through deliberate interaction (such as a petition). You must show a heart of obedience and submission to the will of God. And a genuine thank you is always a great conversation starter.


God is three definite persons in One: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Concentrate on which of the Holy Trinity you need to speak to at the moment. 

  • Abba Father of my life, God
  • Savior of my soul, Jesus
  • Empowerer of my calling, Holy Spirit


Women often show reluctance to ‘bother’ God with small things that we need, thinking He should not be bothered. And when big problems take place, women try everything we can to solve the problem before we think to pray.


Move towards God Boldly


Prayer is one of the most powerful defenses that God has given us. When you talk to God, pray boldly. Come to His throne in total faith, not as a beggar hoping for scraps of affection. Come, instead, aware that you are a beloved daughter of God. You do not come as a beggar but as His heir. Use the authority of the Scriptures.


Paul instructed the children of God, “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” - Hebrews 4:16 KJV


Not only must your approach be bold but also your prayers. Phillip Brooks (author of the famous Christmas carol O Little Town of Bethlehem lyrics) said, “Pray the largest prayers. You cannot think of a prayer so large that God will not wish you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches but wings.”


Psychological Types of Prayer:

  • Petition & Intercession
  • Confession/Repentance
  • Worship/Praise
  • Thanksgiving/Gratitude
  • Spiritual Warfare

Keep in mind that a robust prayer life will regularly incorporate different types of prayer in your exchanges with God.


Prayer is a cornerstone of Christianity. Still, women sometimes struggle with making it a permanent structure in our daily lives. Praying to God focuses on who He is. Prayer recognizing His power and majesty. When we pray in faith, it is reaffirming that we have faith in God’s will. It is not us enforcing our will into His, but it is us conceding that His will lead your life. 


A prayer is a dialogue. It is a beautiful, deep discussion that has the power to transform you, modify your situation, and even alter the world. But more than all of that, more than any results or changes you see, prayer is the beautiful start of a deep and abiding relationship with the One who designed you. God can carry our anger, fear, and grief. God walks with us through our transformational track and wants to see our growth. That is worth everything.

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