God Does What Is The Best For You

spirituality Feb 23, 2020

God can do all things. No purpose of God fails. There are times when this is a complicated truth to acknowledge. In particular, when you are praying for what seems to be in line with His will.


You are not advancing the request like putting a coin in a vending machine. You realize that God has the free choice to say “no”. You recognize this truth.


But you are praying for what you know based on Scripture to be His will. Perhaps you are asking God to restore your marriage or to deliver your spouse from alcoholism. Maybe you are begging Him to heal your child from a horrible disease.


The God that we serve does not speak without then acting. If God reveals that He will do something, He surely will. However, years or even decades may pass with God repeatedly saying no to your request. There are countless reasons why He denies us something we truly want.


From time to time, it is to grow your faith, such as with Joseph. Genesis 50:20 KJV tells us that, after more than a decade of hardship, Joseph was able to proclaim, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”


There are other times when God has already granted your request. But there can be timing issues. John the Baptist’s mother, Elizabeth, longed for a child of her own. But it was not until she was late in life that this occurred.


The explanation had nothing to do with Elizabeth but had all to do with the timing of her appeal. God intended to use John the Baptist to go in front of the Messiah (Luke 1:17).


God’s plan and purpose for one’s life always prevail. You are also here to fulfill a purpose, not just any purpose, but your God-given purpose.


God desires that every believer discover and fulfill their God-given purpose. So, in whatever way God answers your prayer, you can rest confidently on one point. He always does that which is best for you, as evidenced in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”


God’s power is infinite. Only our sovereign God can make a promise like this. With mercy and grace, God uses all that the enemy employs for evil, to harm you, and turns it all around to work out to prosper you. God is faithful. He will do it.

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