Start Self-Care in the New Year

health Dec 30, 2019

Part of good health is self-care. But, self-care is a routine that appears foreign to most women. Probably because most have learned to put themselves last and take care of the needs of others first. That is backward thinking because you cannot help anyone else until you first help yourself.


Start by letting go. Too many women hold on to performing tasks because they feel guilted into doing it. They manage issues or deal with other people's responsibilities that they do not want to do in the first place.


It is tough to decline invitations you do not want to say yes to or stop doing what people you care about want you to do, even though you do not want to do it. Sometimes, it can also be hard to say no to ourselves.


That happens when you have a fixed mindset. You create a mental checklist of what you "should" do. For 2020, decide that you will say no to handling or doing anything that you do not wish to have in your life.


It is okay to skip the big family meetings that end up with someone angry at someone else or say no to that coworker who pushes their work onto you. Free yourself to say no to yourself if you feel you "should" stay late at work to finish something for the company's good, even though you have been working hard for months and ignoring your own needs.


It will help if you put what is best for you first, regardless of what else you have to let go of to make it happen


Making sure that you care for your physical health is part of self-care. This means taking time to plan healthy meals and snacks and not skipping meals. Do not rush through your lunch so you can go back to work quickly or take care of someone else's needs.


Exercising to take care of your body is part of self-care. You do not need to have a goal to lose weight to take advantage of exercise in your plan. Exercise alleviates stress and boosts your emotions.


Do not give up sleep to get on the never-ending hamster wheel of work or day-to-day tasks. The next day, the work will be right where you left them, but you will feel better prepared mentally and physically to tackle them.


It will not benefit you to lose sleep to keep up or get ahead. Instead, do what you can with your time and let that be good enough for you. Build in times during each day where you are off the clock


Have some fun. Do what feeds your soul. Take a trip. Do nothing. Read a book. Go to the movies. Visit a friend. Nurturing yourself and your happiness is an integral part of self-care.


 “I believe
That I enter a glorious new year
To be filled with prayer and praise.
With service to God and mankind,
With inspired creative activity.
I believe
That God’s presence goes with me
Wherever I shall go this year,
By train or Ires or car or boat,
Slowly paced on foot, or high in air.
I believe
His love is shining in my body,
His wisdom guides my mind,
His peace fills me with poise,
His strength is ever at my call.
Oh I believe
That this is God’s new year.” — Elizabeth Searle Lamb

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