Ways Shame Affects Your Quality Of Life

spirituality Aug 23, 2020

Shame influences your life in massive ways. It generates many false beliefs that can lead you to hold back from others and yourself.

Here are a few ways that your shame might be affecting you more than you realize:

Saying ‘Yes’ to Everyone

You might feel the need to respond to everyone with “yes” all the time. This means you overcommit and work until you are depleted. But even Jesus took time away in the course of His ministry on Earth.

“And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.” - Mark 6:46 KJV

If anyone could have made justifications and overextended Himself, it was Jesus. After all, He could have thought, “I am only here for 33 years. I should do all possible miracles in this time!”

But He did not. He attached importance to rest, and in doing so, He created a framework for us to follow too.

Feeling trapped in the Pain

Many women know the shame and pain that comes from sexual abuse and assault. But God wishes to restore your heart and repair your fractured innocence.

He wants to give freedom to your life and help you conquer your pain. In Psalm 147:3 KJV, the writer proclaims, “He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”

You Are Not Condemned

Shame whispers that you have to be perfect. But the truth is that the blood of the Lamb covers you. There is no condemnation for women who trust in the name of Jesus.

Paul proclaimed this truth in Romans 8:1 KJV, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

While shame can feel paralysing at times, it does not mean that you must live with it indefinitely. Pray for God to bring you resources and truths you need to be freed and live a shame-free life overflowing with beauty and joy.

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