Affirmation: I Embrace Christmas with Childlike Wonder

affirmations Dec 21, 2019

As the snowflakes begin to fall, I become a child again. I love to catch snowflakes on my tongue. I love to watch the first snow of the season gently change the landscape. I especially love the giant snowflakes that look like angels in flight. They are my favorite.


I am full of childlike wonder as the world changes from orange to white.


As the world shifts, my heart becomes light. I think of times in my youth of sliding down the hills of snow on a sled. I can even hear the ‘shushing’ of my skis right now. I hear the echo of friends calling through the hills of white.


I cannot help but smile and feel like warm cocoa inside.


Becoming a child again helps me to see the world through a fresh set of eyes. No longer do I have the weight of the adult world on my shoulders.


I am free to be silly. I am free to laugh. I am allowed to do anything I want. Wow, this feels good!


This time, I am going to go through the Christmas season with the eyes of a child. I am going to enjoy this time as much as snowboarding down a ski hill. Refreshing. Invigorating. Fun. I can do this all in my mind with my childlike attitude.


Today, as I look toward the Christmas season with the eyes of a child, I know that I am going to make this the best holiday season ever!


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How would the world look differently if I were to see it from the stance of childlike wonder?
  2. Who can remind me of what fun feels like again?
  3. What activity makes me feel like a child again?



Merry Christmas from the Krug and Life Coach for Ladies Family!

As we pause the celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we are reminded of the wonderful gifts he gives.

His love, grace, and mercies are in abundance for us as believers. 

When we count our blessings, we are extra grateful for you, our extended family. <3

Heading into 2020, we are filled with excitement to see what God will do in our family.


We have big plans for Life Coach for Ladies family, too!


Habakkuk 2:2 Then the LORD replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.

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