Build a Success Plan for the Year Ahead, Now

life coaching Dec 17, 2020

I think we are all excited for a new year, a 'fresh start', and the chance to embrace new possibilities!

Let's be honest... the past year was surreal.
To say the least.

For some... times have been harsh.

For others... opportunities have presented themselves that were a total fantastic surprise.

For all of us... there is a shift coming in 2021.

2021 will be a year separating those who are all in from those who continue to sit on the sidelines.

Are you ready for 2021?

A year that determines who is in it to win it and who is still deciding whether or not they want to play.

You have got to make the shift if you are going all in.

You have got to DECIDE NOW that you will be playing to win.

Whatever winning means to you.

Let's go all-in... in a way that feels amazing and gives us more JOY.

If you are like me, this last few days before the start of the new year is a frenzy of activity - a period of trying to get ready for the year ahead so that I can step into January feeling fresh and pumped - not overwhelmed!


I am coming for you, 2021.


And I am busy waving goodbye to 2021….Anyone else? As this oh-so-long year is finally coming to an end, I am taking stock. I am taking some time these last few days of 2020 to reflect on the past year - what was probably my most challenging year out of all sixteen+ that I have been a small business owner. 


2020 was filled with science AND deception, building AND tearing down. We survived a significant family surgery and recovery; one remodel that we did ourselves because we could not find any available contractors; built our storage barn; and had one new exciting dream launched. We worked hard and did not play or rest nearly enough.


So what did I learn? How do I keep moving forward? What do I want 2021 to feel like?

I want to clarify what the future holds for Life Coach for Ladies and how I can and want to show up for myself, my family, my community, and all of you moving forward.

I want to continue building habits & routines that help me experience radiant joy and optimal wellness. More exercising, less sitting. More walks, less screen time. My overall goal is to embody - "det goda livet" - "the good life" in Swedish. 


The next year could change your life. It is really up to you.


You have to follow these six steps for your most incredible year ever:

  • Preview
  • Review
  • Prepare
  • Set Goals
  • Take Action
  • Adjust


Preview - take some time to write down what you would like your next year to look like and what you want to achieve.

Review - What worked? What did not work? Anything you are proud of accomplishing? Any regrets? This type of reflection will help you plan the upcoming year strategically.

Prepare - Think about what you might need (or already have) to make the next year your best.

Set goals - Focus on setting three goals for the next year.

Take action - List three steps you could take right away to propel you towards your goals.

Adjust - Make time to check on your progress and adjust as needed.


I am very excited about 2021 and everything I plan to share with you! So already into this year-end holiday season, remember to take a well-deserved break because… well… you deserve it! I wish you lots of blessings and joy!


I will be jumping into January with some tools to help you make 2021 YOUR HAPPIEST YEAR EVER! Because let's face it – it is one thing to look forward to a new year, and another to be READY.


Cheers and good health! And may 2021 be the BEST year ever...

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Looking forward to hearing from you.


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