Know More About Authentic Prayer Conversations

spirituality Jul 05, 2020

Prayer aligns our hearts with God and His purposes. Prayer exists throughout the Bible. Jesus often withdrew from groups and his disciples to spend time in prayer. Jesus has promised us good things from God—his Father and ours. He does not promise to answer our specific demands, but he invites us to pray and promises to give us good things.


God loves us. He communicates with us out of His word and our prayers. The thought of prayer as a conversation seems so simple on the surface. But when you first start to pray, it can feel more like a monologue. After all, you are talking, but you are not hearing anything. Or are you?


God DOES speak back. It might not be audible, but He WILL speak to you in your spirit the more time you spend talking to Him in your prayer life.


It is easy to miss God’s voice because He does not always respond right away or precisely as we had anticipated. You might pray about money troubles only to find twenty dollars later in the day when you are at the grocery market. By that time, you may have forgotten about your earlier prayers.


Maybe you pray about your friend’s upcoming surgery and do not think about her speedy recovery. Yet, these are prayers answered. You were not aware of them.


He wants to hear from His precious daughter, and it begins with prayer. Start asking God to open your eyes to how He works in your life and lives of individuals around you. Call for the Holy Spirit to prompt you and make you mindful of all the answered prayers that have happened.


Some Christians find it effective to keep a list of what they prayed over. Make sure to add the date to your prayers. Later on, you will be able to look back and see how God has answered every request you have made.


Prayer is not a religious thing. It should flow out of our relationship with God. We have the unbelievable privilege of speaking with the King of the Universe and hearing what He has to say. But we often don’t listen. Remember, prayer is simply talking with God. He is listening. He is also speaking. We will hear when we will listen.

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