Affirmations: I Communicate Positively and Peacefully

affirmations Sep 26, 2020

I exchange words and feelings with others positively and calmly.


I make sure I am in a positive frame of mind when I speak with others. I do my best to be mindful of the ideas I want to communicate to them.


I get rid of feelings of anger or frustration before I participate in communications. Planning in this way allows me to remain calm and communicate constructively.


It is not easy to communicate with others if they are defensive. I lower their defenses and offer a peaceful platform for positive communication. This opens doors for others also to communicate positively.


Constructive communication empowers me. I am in control, focused, and effective. I know I am objective in my communications with others.


I communicate in a calm, constructive way that offers a peaceful setting. I stay positive no matter the situation. I am confident that I can walk away with my head held high. I feel good about my ability to remain positive and peaceful in my communications.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. How will I calm myself ahead of communicating?
  2. Do I take the time to appreciate the situation at hand?
  3. Have I communicated my thoughts and feelings positively?


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