Make Boundaries to be Happy

personal development Oct 01, 2019

Boundaries are the limits on which women live, based on what they are not willing to put up with in a place or with another person. Setting a boundary means you impose constraints on what is appropriate.


These constraints can refer to what you will take for your emotional and physical self. If you have a boundary, it feels a lot like self-care - since it is. It implies that you recognize that what you need to be whole and healthy is equally necessary as what others may need.


Boundaries safeguard your space. It means that your opinions do not vary just because someone else feels another way. Giving boundaries means saying no when something crosses the line of what is okay with you.


An illustration of this could be a woman who does not want to be around someone constantly creating family drama. So, she does not spend any more time with them than necessary. But, another relative thinks that behavior should be tolerated and tries to nag or belittle the woman into believing the same way.


Boundaries stop you from being used and shut down mistreatment.



  • It might be something like telling an ex that it is not acceptable to continue calling.


  • Or it could mean making people understand they cannot just drop by your house without an invitation.



  • If a coworker thinks it is okay to scream at people and you tell him you are not engaging in a conversation when that kind of behavior is present, then you walk away.



Limits define how others can interact with you. Limitations could make others uptight, but that is their problem. It might sound harsh, but it is true. If you do not establish limits, you can get treated in ways that are not good. Never allow that.

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