Find Opportunities to Improve Time Management

personal development Apr 28, 2020

Women can control time management well by finding their lost time. Lost time is when you did not even appreciate that you were squandering it in the first place. It is almost like keeping change in a piggy bank, and one day you know it, you have over $100!


1. Do not waste the time that most people do.

There are ways to find a time often unnoticed because women tend to think about time management as their big blocks of time available. But you can do a lot in just ten or fifteen minutes.

Do not waste away the time you have while waiting at the doctor’s office or exercising. For example, if you enjoy using a treadmill, you can get a standing desk to work on something with a fast-approaching deadline while you walk.


2. Appreciate that not everything that appears crucial is.

Sometimes things only seem important. Examine your life and stop doing the things that are not critical, and drain your time. If something is not a matter of being happy and succeeding personally or professionally, it is not essential.


3. Run forward, not behind schedule.

If you fall behind schedule, it can feel a lot of pressure and add stress to your day. Aim to get things finished ahead of time because this gives you a buffer in your time management.


4. Delegating is an excellent way to improve time management.

Most women like to do things themselves because they know then that the job was done correctly. But when you do the things that others can do, it is draining your time. For example, sometimes drains are mowing the lawn, cleaning your home, scheduling meetings, or managing social media.

What you should do is look at how much it costs for you to do the tasks you do. If someone else can do them, you are not only losing time but also wasting money.

If you make $200 per hour, then an hour of mowing the grass costs you $200. But if you pay someone $50 to cut the grass, you save an hour and $150.


5. Reply to emails the right way.

Handling email causes more women to get off track than any other online task, except social media posts and online game apps. Handle your time prudently with email by setting a specific time to deal with email and setting a time limit on how long you will take responding to the messages.

If the email messages are not necessary, do not save them to look at later because they will pile up in your inbox. If your life permits you to, hire an assistant to deal with handling your email.

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