Affirmation: I am Open to Insight by Sharing my Thoughts and Feelings Constructively

affirmations Aug 01, 2020

 As I speak to others, my tone is calm and respectful. I know that if I would like others to listen, I have to communicate my thoughts positively. 


My language is typified by a constructive word choice, soft tone, and unhurried pace. My vocabulary is abundant and free from curses. I can get my point across without elevating my voice or using profanity.


Every person is like a well of precious insight. I use my effective communication abilities to draw out the abundance of knowledge in others.


I take pleasure in learning new things. I seek to uncover something fresh each day. If I take time to understand others, I am informed. 


My attitude attracts others to me. By being positive, I encourage others to travel unexplored waters with me.


People are not afraid to communicate their feelings with me because I am welcoming. They trust me enough to express their ideas and ask for my input. In turn, when I want help, others are more than ready to support me.


I stay away from harsh criticism. I do not like to be criticized, and so I do not do it to others. Instead, I choose to problem-solve and discover winning solutions constructively.


Even people with the most challenging personalities are willing to work cooperatively with me. When someone is charging at me full of negativity, my calm demeanor disarms them, and we find common ground. 


I enjoy peaceful relationships because I model for others how I want to be treated by communicating constructively. 


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What can I do to improve my interactions with others?
  2. Do others feel comfortable being vulnerable around me?
  3. Is my speech free from destructive criticism?

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