For Growth, You Need to be Risky

personal development Oct 22, 2019

Take Healthy Risks


It is human nature to reach your comfort zone and remain there. This can take place in all parts of your life. You can get to a certain point with your finances, health, relationships, and weight, and you remain for the long haul since change is risky. But sometimes, you need to accept change for growth.


Growth means you may have stretch. It would be best if you reached outside your comfort zone. Usually, when women sense a challenge to step away from what is known and leave it behind, they start to retreat.


Women all have perspectives on what is attainable and what is out of their reach in our personal and professional lives. But, taking risks and making mistakes are essential learning experiences. And healthy risk-taking can build confidence!


You might list dozens of ways why it is better to stick with what you know than dive into that unknown. You may want to go back to school or start your own business, and you have wanted it for a long time, but it would mean some significant adjustments to get to that place of self-improvement.


So you do not do it because your husband is not on board. Without support, you do not see how you could accomplish it anyway - so you do not make that move. You do not take the chance.


What you have to appreciate is that when you put off risk, if you keep on living the way you have been living up until this point, then nothing will ever change. Self-improvement is about change.


That thing you have put off doing out of fear, weighing the risks, and falling back into old habits, is perhaps the exact thing that would change your life and put you on the transformational track to achieving your dreams.



Examine your belief system

Toure Roberts, pastor, international thought leader, and author, says, “Many people all over the world put their trust in a God that they’ve come to believe in and experience significant happiness, fulfillment, a sense of purpose, and even miracles,”

Whether you consider yourself a religious or spiritual woman, a mixture of those two, or trust in nothing at all, Roberts says taking a stab at faith is worth exploring. You could take a risk and step out of your comfort zone. Attend a church service, take a Bible study, read the Bible and other faith-based books on your own, or talk with those about their beliefs. Whatever the way, do not be anxious about exploring God. There is no risk.

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