Affirmation: I can Remain Faithful to New Habits

affirmations Jan 11, 2020

I form new habits to enhance my life and improve my overall satisfaction. I am resolved to keep on practicing the healthy habits I have established. The power necessary to successfully form and keep new habits is in me.


I have tolerance for myself when creating challenging new habits. At times it takes days or months to form a new behavior pattern. I have the patience to keep trying.


Repetition is my key to success. To change new activities into habits, I must exercise repetition. I achieve my new activities with hard work and great effort daily.  


If I feel persuaded to give up, I push myself to do it again. I communicate my goals with those closest to me and gather their support. With the help of my loved ones and my reminders, I am successful!


When establishing new habits, I take them one day and one habit at a time. An easy-going pace helps me progressively make a long-lasting change. I forgive myself when there are setbacks and jump right back into the saddle to prevent getting discouraged.


Today, I envision myself living the life I ask for and strive to achieve. I fight against all compulsions because the rewards in my future outweigh the sacrifices I am making right now.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are some new habits I have begun to practice?
  2. How do I remain patient and keeping a steady pace?
  3. Which people can I count on for support?



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