End of the year Life Coaching

life coaching Dec 26, 2019

I LOVE this time of year!

Women are all in full swing trying to finish this year STRONG (I hope!).

A lot of women are crushing it right now. I see a lot of momentum in our Life Coach for Ladies groups. It is amazing!

Many are discovering what is working, what is not, and where progress and momentum are happening in their lives (or not!).

With so little time left this year, women know that they need to be on their A-game.

That is why for me, as a high-performance coach, these next 3 months are like my Super Bowl...

Clients always reach out this time of year, and I love it. They need a ton of help, and I book outcome-focused sessions like nobody's business. I still spend a ton of time coaching 1-on-1 or group. I love it!


Coaching is about the client and a process that is proven to help them reach their potential faster. All coaching is ultimately about conversations of discovery, decisions, discipline, and direction. I help clients master that process to improve their lives and achieve their goals faster.


"Of all the things successful people do to accelerate their trip down the path to success, participating in some kind of coaching program is at the top of the list." - Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul


Everyone has learned how crucial honest dialogue and challenging conversations are since the pandemic.  All communication is a process, and once you understand that, you can step out of your ego and become a better leader, parent, or influencer in the world.


Through Life Coaching for Ladies, you start to understand your personality style, strengths, potential blind spots, and how you communicate. The coaching is about transformation based on a better understanding of yourself and others.


My approach is distinctly positive in orientation because I am interested in building women up to create stronger relationships. Wisdom is about applying insights in life, and I am committed to helping women gain new understanding that will empower them to improve.


Some examples of commonly discussed Life Coaching topics are:

  • Evaluating progress towards personal/professional goals
  • Managing obstacles
  • Motivation
  • School/Career/Business strategies
  • Time management


So, how is it going? What are your goals? Where are you stuck? What are your commitment and your next steps?


If you are looking for resources that will positively impact your personal or professional life, then I invite you to join me for 1:1 coaching or in one of my group coaching cohorts.


Women helping Women is always the best way to do life!

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