The Helpful Art of Deep Breathing: A Sanity-Saving Strategy

life coaching Oct 08, 2020

Did you ever have one of those days when you were so stressed out that you felt like you needed some help to save your sanity? If so, you will be happy to learn a strategy women can use to decrease stress while improving overall health at the same time! This strategy is free, convenient, and straightforward. It is known as deep breathing.


What exactly is deep breathing? It is a breathing exercise that involves manipulating the breath in ways that bring about certain feelings on an emotional level.


There are various deep breathing exercises intended for:


* Developing both mind and body

* Enabling you to feel revived

* Helping enter a state of meditation


No matter the emotions you are trying to achieve with your breathing exercises, the beauty is that it does not cost you a thing to breathe. But when is it fitting to do breathing exercises? And how frequently can they be performed?


When to Do Deep Breathing Exercises


There are no hard and fast guidelines specifying when to do breathing exercises. It depends on what you are wishing to achieve by doing them.


You can apply breathing exercises at any time to:


* Achieve a state of calm

* Feel alive, invigorated, and ready for the day

* Reduce stress of tense situations

* Wind down at the end of your day


When you awake in the morning, you may wish to do some quick deep breathing exercises to feel energized and eager to go. You can go outdoors and then take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, lips like a whistle.


This breathing exercise acts as a workout for your lungs and abdominal muscles. It will make you feel very refreshed at the beginning of your day and offers a comparable effect to running your morning jog.


If you are having a tough day at work or dealing with tension, you can use some calming breaths to help lower stress. Sit back and close your eyes. Take in one slow deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Only as long as feels comfortable. Then let it out. Next, take a few regular breaths. Duplicate the process until you feel relaxed.


Health Benefits of Breathing Exercises


If you need a quick lift, you will only need to spend a short time here and there doing some deep breathing exercises. On the other hand, when you want to impact your health and serenity significantly, you can form a routine of several breathing exercises during your day.


No matter the duration, breathing exercises can bring you many health benefits, including:


* Aiding in better digestion

* Assisting in eliminating wastes and toxins

* Bringing higher energy levels

* Calming nerves

* Increasing awareness of functions within your body

* Lowering blood pressure

* Reducing stress

* Tightening core muscles


Your results will be contingent upon the type and frequency of breathing exercises you use.


All Women Can Benefit from Breathing Exercises


Breathing exercises can benefit any woman. Those individuals who must take extreme caution are women with respiratory issues. Always check with your medical doctor before attempting these exercises.


Once given the okay, sit back, close your eyes, and enjoy the relaxing effects that deep breathing can provide. It is an effective solution to reduce stress, bring you peace, and improve your life.

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