Affirmation: On the Pursuit of Lifetime Happiness

affirmations Oct 05, 2019

Are you seeking happiness? Do you look around for someone or something to come along and make you happy? Most women have things right in front of us every day that would make us deliriously happy if only we let them. Does this describe you?


Happiness does not need to be created for us. It exists within us, and it is up to us to choose to be happy.


Happiness is achievable by anyone, so long as they want it. If you do not want to be happy, you will not be. If you wish to change your life and find the happiness you have been searching for, you can do just that!


A great way to find happiness each day is to permit yourself to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative. It takes training, but as soon as you come to be skilled at it, the rewards are a sheer joy!


Affirmations of Happiness


Happiness affirmations are tools you can use to help you reach happiness.


What is a happiness affirmation? The concept is a simple one, really, and it all begins with a listing of positive statements and a desire to transform your life.


Affirmations work similarly to mental imagery techniques when you visualize yourself doing something extraordinary. But, instead of being visual, affirmations are voiced.


This works as the words we say can evoke our emotions and activate our minds to achieve extraordinary things. You can reprogram your brain with positive thoughts that enable you to achieve your goals and live the life you dream!


For instance, when you have a time when you question your right to be happy, you can tell yourself, “I find reasons to laugh every day,” or something as straightforward as, “I give myself permission to be happy.”


Each time you use these statements, you reaffirm the belief and reprogramming your brain to be happy as an opportunity presents itself.


When you are always in pursuit of happiness, you may find that it is elusive because, although you want to be happy, you might also give yourself a reason to be unhappy.


Reminding yourself of any negative aspects of your life or the not perfect things makes it tough to find true happiness.


Who Can Use Happiness Affirmations?


You can! With the support of affirmations, you can transform your life, one happy thought at a time. You will be amazed at how quickly you can integrate affirmations into your life and how soon they can make a change.


Some women may think that affirmations do not apply to them because they are so unhappy, but these positive statements can help women from every walk of life, no matter how bad things may seem.


As you use positive statements, you push out the negative thoughts, leaving no room for them in your life. When you remind yourself that you have a right and a reason to be happy, you will feel happier, and life will suddenly become so much more enjoyable.


Even if you think your life is so far gone that affirmations could not possibly help you, you may be wrong and end up full of happiness and joy! It is certainly worth trying to see if you can change your life one statement at a time!

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