6 Surprisingly Quick Self-Care Tips

personal development Dec 01, 2020

“I do not have the time.”


How frequently do you say these words when it comes to self-care? Oh, you know it is good for you. But really, what woman has hours to spare to take care of themselves?


Very frankly… you do. You have more time than you imagine. The following six self-care tips will each take you less than one minute to do.


Take a Deep Breath

Anytime you feel tense, stressed out, or even just a little ‘off,’ taking some deep breaths will alter the situation for the better. The key? Do not just breathe. Hold your breath in-between steps for the most significant impact. Begin with inhaling to the count of five, then hold it for the count of five, and exhale to the count of five.


Slow Down Your Lunch

When was the last time you relished your food? The next time you eat something, pause while chewing to appreciate the textures and flavors. By doing so, you aid in digestion and rediscover the joy of eating simultaneously!


Pause the Whole Shebang

There is much to be said for a minute of silence. Quiet racing thoughts, reduce your heart rate, and relax fully into the moment by turning off all electronics and just sitting with your eyes closed. Even doing this for just 60 seconds does wonders for your state of mind.


Look Around

Another excellent practice for calming yourself but still engaging the mind actively is to take notice of an item near you. Spend a full minute exploring this item, taking note of everything about it. What does it feel like if you touch it? What color is it? How does the light strike its surface? Close your eyes. See if you can remember this object in minute detail. This will help your cognition and focus.



Are you having a hard day? Holding a one-minute holiday in your head will help perk things up. Treat this as a visualization exercise for an added benefit by picturing someplace you would love to stay or something you want to experience in person one day.


Attitude of Gratitude

A thankful heart helps to shift how you see the world and is good for your mood and self-talk. Think of something you are grateful for daily. Or better yet, take a minute to write a brief email thanking someone in your life for something you appreciate about them.


By taking a minute to yourself, you will be amazed at the impact this has on your physical and mental self. Being less stressed and more relaxed will help you feel healthier and happier as you go about your day.

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