Make Time for Jesus your Greatest Faith Priority

spirituality May 03, 2020

If Jesus, His kingdom, and His righteousness are the first priority in your life, all other matters of your life find their places. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1. But when you allow Jesus to slip from His throne, every matter in your life fights for pre-eminence. To make it through the struggles in life, we need to find our strength in Jesus.


Making Time for Jesus a Priority

Visa or Mastercard—are you even presented that choice anymore?

Take-out or delivery—that is a familiar phrase, especially during the COVID shutdown.

Hot or iced…coffee, that is.

Women are all faced with numerous choices every single day of our lives. Yet, we make nearly all of them without putting much (if any) thought into what we are doing. It is as if we are on auto-pilot. But why do you make the choices you make?

The solution to that question is simple: We make choices centered on our wants or desires. Now I realize some of you are shaking your head in argument. Several of you are saying that many of the choices you make are out of necessity. You would rather use the rent money for a vacation, but you do not have that choice. You do not want to take money out of savings to fix the clothes dryer in your house, but you have to.

No, you don’t. You don’t have to fix the clothes dryer. People lived for centuries without it. You may have even grown up in a house without it, yet here you are, alive and healthy. So no, you do not have to fix it. Instead, you prefer to fix it. And as for rent money vs. booking a vacation, you do not have to pay the rent, but you do not intend to have to suffer the outcomes of not doing. So, you fix it.

Making time for Jesus also is a choice you must make. And, it is a choice that is only yours to make.

It is all a question of your primary concerns

Whether you turn out to be the woman Jesus has called you to be or not is entirely up to you. It is up to you to designate it as the main concern in your life…or not.

Your food is not going to turn cold or rancid in the time it takes to offer a prayer of thanks.

You will not be requested to leave a diner for praying for your food, either.

You cannot be prohibited from studying your Bible during your lunch break or when sitting on a park bench as your kids play.

Neither the grass nor the lawnmower will protest if you wait until after church on Sunday to mow the yard.

Children will not be banished from society if you refuse to allow them to play sports on Sundays instead of attending church.

The laundry will still be there, and your cat will not suffer if you devote one or two hours to serving on a ministry team or attending a Bible study once or twice a week.

Do you want to know something marvelous? Jesus assured us that if we seek Him first, He blesses us with all the other matters (less stress, time to get things done….) It is real! Jesus promises us this, and when He makes a promise, He keeps it. So as you plan your day—no…your life—remember this:

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

The main takeaway is to open your heart and exercise your spirit to touch the living Person of Jesus Christ. This keeps your time from becoming something methodical, routine, or dead; instead, you will enjoy our Lord Jesus freshly day by day. As women practice, the Lord will show them how to contact Him in a living and personal way.


As you commence your spiritual journey, the path can often be confusing, overwhelming, and downright difficult. Take your time and go at your own pace. Just begin! If you would like to communicate with a Life Coach about your spiritual journey or anything else, please submit your information here

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