A New Skill Makes Growth

personal development Oct 08, 2019

As you learn new skills, it betters you as a person. It fills you with the self-confidence that you can achieve everything you set your mind to accomplish. The skills can be something like learning how to manage your time better.


"In a fast-moving, competitive world, being able to learn new skills is one of the keys to success. It's not enough to be smart — you need always to be getting smarter," says Heidi Grant Halvorson, a motivational psychologist and author.


Many women miss chances to grow as a person because of poor time management and how stretched their day is for time. They often ignore possibilities that come their way or immediately dismiss them, thinking they cannot possibly juggle anything else.


Be sure the skill either solves a problem you are facing or is directly applicable to your life. Be as specific as you can. This will give you the incentive to learn the skill.


Here are some easy skills that every woman should learn:

  • create, maintain, and stick to a calendar
  • write and use a to-do list
  • change your habits
  • resist digital distractions
  • stop procrastinating
  • perform a weekly review


So, let's focus on changing your habits.

Your subconscious mind controls a considerable portion of your daily actions. Think about that. Your habits manage and govern your day, and creating NEW habits and routines can help you make significant changes!


Experts say that it takes 21 days to learn a new habit. But do not get overwhelmed. You do not have to do it all at once! According to many self-improvement experts, start by improving 1% each day as you create your habit, and as you build on it each day, it will soon become second nature!


If you need help remembering to make your specific habits each day, use a habit tracker, and add it to your daily planner.


Here are a couple of habits that I love to increase productivity,  energy and create a healthy lifestyle! This allows you to get a head start on your day before your attention gets pulled in multiple directions.


This allows you to hit the ground running with direction and a fresh mind right off the get-go in the morning!


  • Plan out the weeks' menu and coordinate it with everyone's schedules. Use our Fuel Notepad to shop and meal/food prep as much as possible to cut down on food-related chores during the week, allowing you to focus on other things!


  • Plan out and make time for self-care, exercise, take yoga or take care of yourself. This will lower your stress levels and has impressive long-term benefits!


  • This is last but should be first. These both are non-negotiable so keep a water bottle close by and plan for no less than 7 hours of sleep at night to allow your body to recharge, replenish and rest, which in turn will propel productivity and overall wellness!


Remember, start by focusing on improving by 1% every day, and before you know it, your new healthy habits will be paying off in leaps and bounds! I am cheering for you!


Of course, one of the most valuable skills to learn how to practice is kindness. This type of self-improvement benefits you because it reduces stress. It is essential to exhibit kindness to others, but it is equally important to show it yourself.


Let yourself off the hook instead of beating yourself up when you make mistakes. Master the art of honesty with yourself. When you do not call out the behaviors that prevent you from improving, you get stuck in your head.


When you want to grow, you have to stop participating in anything that you do not like the thought of facing. The key is starting!

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