Affirmation: I Accept Happiness into My Life

affirmations Jan 18, 2020

Happiness is not yesterday's memories or tomorrow's hopes; it happens today.


I treasure the enjoyable memories of 'days gone by'. But, I do not live in the past. Also, I let go of any predisposition to put off my life while waiting for a better day. Tomorrow might not ever come!


Today is what I have, and I collect happiness from each minute of it.


When the day begins, I am happy to live another wonderful day in my life. I peek out the window and note how lovely the dew is as it reflects the sun's light. I hear birds singing in beautiful harmony as they also rejoice in this brand new day.


I relish the pleasant aroma of my morning coffee and enjoy the warmth of the sun when I go out the door to meet whatever adventure life brings me today. When every day starts this well, how could anything diminish its pleasure?


My day is a parade of wondrous moments, and I joyfully receive the pleasure of every one of them.


My husband, flowers, puppies, kittens, butterflies, dessert, sunshine, rain, lunch, and thousands of other good things all bring happiness for their fleeting moments in my life every day.


Even challenges most often bring me something good when I take the time to find the silver lining. I ask myself, "How can this help me?" Then I happily take action to move forward, armed with the new knowledge gained from the challenge.


Yes, happiness happens, and it occurs here and now.


Today, I endeavor to accept happiness into my life as I live my procession of extraordinary moments.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What extraordinary little moments occurred today?
  2. How did I let the happiness of the moment fill me?
  3. How will I prompt myself to take pleasure in each moment?


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