Affirmation: I Only Let Positive Thinking Into My Life

affirmations Nov 27, 2021

I choose only to let positive thoughts into my life. Everything I do has purpose and meaning. I decide to make my life a positive experience. Each day is happy since I go for positive thoughts.


I find value in being happy and at peace. Love and joy are the things I focus on in my life. I give out these things to the world, and they come back in to me. I learn the lessons from all situations and choose to focus on these things.


Negative people would like what I have. They realize that I have joy because of the positive thinking choices I make. Each day I focus on thoughts that offer me power and peace.


I only focus on good things in my life. Since I concentrate on good things, I will continue to experience blessings. I see the world as a wonderful place. Negative things happen, but how I see them puts it in a positive light.


Happiness is freely accessible to me. Joy is always feasible for me, and it is available every time I choose it. Staying joyful is important to me. I prefer positive thinking because I feel better about myself and the world if I stay positive.


I only receive positive thoughts into my life. I deserve happiness. And that happiness is abundant if I choose positive thinking.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How can I stay focused on positive thoughts today?
  2. What can I do to encourage others to stay positive each day?
  3. How can I think more productively when I face challenges?


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