I am thankful today for the abundance of gifts in my life. Not the least of these are my natural abilities and aptitudes. Whether I have many or just a few of these, I make sure to put them into service. It brings me joy to use my natural talents.
Each day, I have an opportunity to do something at which I am innately good. I see every one of these situations as a blessing. Not only do I get to feel good about myself and my abilities, but I get to offer the fruits of those gifts to others.
Perhaps I am good at organization, and my neighbor is frustrated over her lack of skill in this area. I can certainly be helpful there.
Or maybe I paint or sing well and can offer the results of my artistic abilities to others.
Perhaps the thing I do best is cook. Surely someone I know could use a hand with this! I feel good each time I have a chance to help.
Also, doing the things I am good at helps me connect with people who value those skills. Whether they have similar or different talents, they appreciate my abilities. Sometimes, I can learn something from them. At other times, I may have something to teach.
I feel valued by others when I use my talents, which is worth a lot to me!
Today, I choose to use my innate abilities at every opportunity. I seek out situations in which they would be helpful to others. And I gladly share my knowledge about them. Using my natural talents brings me so much joy!
Self-Reflection Questions:
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