Affirmation: I consider things, and I am thankful

affirmations Nov 20, 2021

Every day is a day of thanksgiving. In the course of the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to overlook blessings. But I set aside time each day to consider the things I am grateful for at this time in my life.


Even on difficult days, I give thanks that it is not any worse. I acknowledge that so many others have it worse than me. That mindset helps me to build the drive and will to keep going.


I make the time to express thanks for my challenging situations. They teach me perseverance, forgiveness, and creativity. I feel my character building with each challenge I face.


My resolve grows each day after I list the things I am thankful for that day. I feel more and more invincible.


I see every situation as a blessing. Some are harder than others. But I welcome each learning experience I have. I respect the person I am becoming.


Today, I realize blessings in both good and bad days. I practice finding something positive in every situation. I am grateful regardless of the circumstances I face.


Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. Are there difficulties that are too hard for me to overlook?
  2. Do I feel refreshed and reenergized after every thanksgiving session I hold?
  3. How do I handle situations where others display ungratefulness?




Happy Thanksgiving!




Here are some quick tips to help finish the year strong:


✔️Take massive action on one of your goals that you have not made as much progress on as you had hoped. Set aside an afternoon or day, eliminate all distractions, and get to work. Sign up for a workout class at the gym or meet with a personal trainer. Sign up for a race. Hole yourself up in a hotel room for the day if you need to write. Book that plane ticket.


✔️Choose one project to finish. You probably will not complete everything on your to-do list before 2022. And you are not going to remodel your home in the next 30 days (unless you are Ben & Erin or Chip & Joanna). But look at your project list, pick one thing you can realistically complete, and check off the list. Are you hanging some new shelves? Doable. Are you cleaning out your office? You've got this.


✔️Do one small thing to prepare for 2022. Set up your calendars and planners. Start working on your vision board. Begin writing out birthdays, events, trips, etc. Find an accountability partner going into the New Year.


✔️Scrutinize your holiday to-do list. What can you REMOVE from the list to give you a more peaceful holiday season? Do you need to bake cookies for all of the kids' teachers? Or can you put a Chick-fil-a gift card in a thank you note instead? Do you have to attend all those holiday parties/events? Or can you pick one and send your kind regrets to the others?


These steps will not only help you use the last days of 2021 to their fullest potential, but they will also help you enjoy the holiday season's festivities, knowing that you have a jump start on the New Year!

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