My natural inclination is to think happy thoughts. I find life enjoyable. It only makes sense that my thoughts are predominately happy. Happy thoughts lead to a happy life. A happy life leads to happy thoughts.
I am an optimistic person. Optimism is a choice I make each day that allows me to maximize my enjoyment. The more I enjoy myself, the happier thoughts I experience.
I can choose my thoughts. When I catch myself thinking negatively, I take control of my thinking and focus on something that makes me feel happy. My thoughts lead to my emotions. My emotions maintain my thoughts.
I keep my mind in a positive state that generates happy thoughts continuously.
My thoughts color my experience in the world. Over time, my thoughts create my reality. I know that happiness is the natural result of experiencing happy thoughts regularly.
There are so many good things happening in my life that happy thoughts are easy to find. I can find happiness and pleasure in simple things.
When I view the world from a place of gratitude, happy thoughts keep coming.
Today, I experience an endless stream of happy thoughts. I look forward to enjoying my day. Happy thoughts come to me naturally.
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